Kingdom Hearts... Crown... Maybe there's a king of all hearts in kingdom hearts that controls a third being but it's stuck in kingdom hearts in maybe by opening the door to kingdom hearts Sora releases this 3rd being and the third being owns the darkness and no more heartless. just made this theory up. could be wrong. probably is.
I think there is achance but really i don't care what console it comes on as long as it does'nt come out on PS3 it's way to expensive. But hey it might even come out on the 360 who knows. I did hear they have'nt made up their minds about what system it's going to.:)
It will defiently not come out on the PS2 next year. One thing look at kingdom Hearts 2. They said it was coming out like early 2005 not there, fall 2005 still not there. did'nt get it until March 2006. And tons of stuff came out about KH2 and we've barely seen anything about KH3.
I noticed that you can get the drive gauge to 9 which was orginally seven. Oh yeah and theres probaly only 11 because you don't fight Roxas (you do in fight him where the cutscene orginally was) and you dont fight Axel. 11+Roxas+Axel=13.:D
Ok I'm making a AMV and i wanted to know if anyone can tell me how to put a video on a video. and by that i mean making one clip transparent so another one will show up behind it.
I just spent the whole day making an AMV. I was going to post it on youtube but before that I wondered if it was wrong to use videos clips from this sight and put them on youtube.