Recent Content by Dark-EnigmaXIII

  1. Dark-EnigmaXIII
    I represent The Keyhole Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the local go-to Wiki for everything Kingdom-Hearts-related. In order to stimulate growth and cooperation between frequented communities, we would like to suggest such a connection with the KH-Vids website. The resources offered here to the public could be of great use for us, and we could replace our current youtube videos of inferior quality with yours, proper credits given to this site.

    The cards are on the table, and my offer is clear: We would like to affiliate with this site, if you accept. I am open and ready to answer any question that may come out of this offering.

    Excuse me if this is not the correct place to ask this, new to this forums, so if I this is the wrong place, could someone move this thread?

    --Dark-EnigmaXIII, burecraut of the Kingdom Hearts wiki
    Thread by: Dark-EnigmaXIII, Aug 29, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance