Recent Content by DakotaStarstruck

  1. DakotaStarstruck
    Demyx is definitely not weak. During the Hallow Bastion fight, I had to keep fighting and fighting him over again.
    Was such a relieve to finally beat him.
    Post by: DakotaStarstruck, Dec 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. DakotaStarstruck
    Hahaha, I've pretty much done all those weird things that people have said during this thread. :laughing-smiley-004
    Post by: DakotaStarstruck, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DakotaStarstruck
    - The cursed Pirates. The part where you had to get the Medallion back was annoying.
    - As your trying to cure yourself in a battle... you die.
    - The fight against Xigbar. He sent them lazers rapidly at you which was a pain to dodge.
    - The second fight with Demyx I found to difficult. Took so many tries to beat him. Sometimes I would be close to defeating him, then he sent those water clones at me, which I always ran out of time when I only needed to kill one more. He's still one of my favourite characters though. :)
    - Them car heartless. You go to hit one, and BANG! Another has come dashed into you.
    Post by: DakotaStarstruck, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DakotaStarstruck
    When we brought a PlayStation 2, a disk came with it showing trailers of different video games. One of them was showing a trailer of Kingdom Hearts. I only ever heard of the title before but seeing all the Disney characters suddenly gave me a thought of whether I should buy this game.
    Few days later, I went around a friends house, and to my surprise they were playing Kingdom Hearts. Watching them play definitely got me wanting the game for sure. So I brought it, and quickly got addicted.
    Post by: DakotaStarstruck, Jul 20, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts