Recent Content by Daisy the Sorceress

  1. Daisy the Sorceress
    Well, you never know. We don't exactly know when Nomura decided to put Xion in - whether it after KH II was made or whatever. I mean, it's perfectly possible that he forgot the "He was the only one I liked" detail since he's only human. But I don't know. You could be right.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jan 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Daisy the Sorceress
    I went to Disneyland Paris twice and Disney World once. I'd love to go again but my parents think that I'm too old for it.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. Daisy the Sorceress
    I love all three but Goofy is probably my favourite. He is clumsy, gullible and not bright but he is kind, optimistic and determined. He also makes me laugh a lot and I like the fact that he is such a caring and adorable father.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  4. Daisy the Sorceress
    Very fun cartoon to watch. It's a good attempt to reminice old Disney shorts and some of the old Disney films, including not-so popular ones such as The Black Cauldron. Am quite sad it's not on DisneyCinemagic at the moment. :(
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  5. Daisy the Sorceress
    Jesse McCartney for Ven. I don't care if he was a pop singer. He was fine as Roxas.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Daisy the Sorceress
    I don't think that they have moved away from Disney - it's just that most of the Disney characters (with exceptions like Goofy and Mickey Mouse) are less involved in the main storyline than they were in the first game.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Daisy the Sorceress
    I never said that you had to play a character to have a good one either. Sorry if I sounded snappy (and I hope that I don’t sound snappy here – I did have a rather difficult morning so please whack me if a magic stick if I do) but I did hear a few people go round saying that Aqua is going to be a way better character than Kairi, for no real reason which does not relate to “Like OMG she can fight!†While I do like some fighter females, I am a little sick of people going “A female character needs to pick up a weapon, fight, look badass, say that all men are sexist pigs and show how masculine she is to be an awesome and strong character because a girl who is girly/gets kidnapped/is physically weak/is a magic user/is a white mage/is self-sacrificing /doesn’t fight at all, she is a doormat and/or has no character developmentâ€. A good-looking male character that behaves in a similar way to the ‘weak’ female characters does not usually get so much bad treatment. And this is coming from a feminist.

    And then there are the female characters who get picked on, no matter how they dress, act and behave (and a sexy guy who behaves in a similar way is regarded as cool) but that’s a different rant entirely.

    So no, I certainly did not miss the bit you highlighted. On the contrary, it was the bit that drew my attention the most. I think I just overreacted to it.

    Okay Lin was a bit of a bad example, especially since it’s been a while since I’ve played BOF: DQ so please correct me if I’ve got anything wrong (oh, and by the way. I’ve found another of the six people in the world who play this game. Hooray! :D ). While I did not dislike Lin, she did feel to me as if she was only there to be a third party member and I really wanted to see more of her. But you have given me a better idea of possible personality traits to work on. I’d say that she was brave, strong in her beliefs, caring of others but distrusting of others at times, especially the Rangers (although softens a bit after spending time with Ryu). And I’m looking at this based on what her emotions and actions tell me about her personality, not on just her emotions and actions (since emotions and actions don’t always equal good character development). And I did see some personality in Kairi, based on her actions and emotions as well, no matter how plot devicey they were. Okay, I’ll change my mind and say that Lin does have more personality than Kairi but that doesn’t mean I think that she is that great a character. She is still one of those characters who I feel I haven’t seen much about but I am still interested in her for some reason and want to find more about her (and I do feel the same with Kairi – I do see personality in her but it does not stop her from being flat and I want to see more of her).

    And actually, Nina’s one of my favourite characters in the game.

    That’s okay then. I’m not giving her full 100% either. :) As long as she has some sort of chance. Riku’s my favourite character but I’m not giving him 100% chance because it’s perfectly possible that his characterization could mess up too (I liked Cloud’s character in FF VII and the way it changed but I got annoyed when he got back to his old self in Advent Children because I didn’t think that there was a good enough reason for it). While I don’t want to be biased against Kairi, I don’t want to be too disappointed either.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Daisy the Sorceress

    Well, I just thought that with is characterisation, him overcoming the darkness and his insecurities and learning about following the path of Twilight, he was cool and interesting enough already so I kind of thought...why on earth would he need a Keyblade after all that? Is it fanservice or something? He's proven himself to be a very good character already. But never mind. He still remains one of my favourite characters. Besides, Nomura seems to have a reason which is more than just fanservice, so I'll see how he is done in the later games too.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Daisy the Sorceress
    The last CD I 'bought' was the Hare Hare Yukai CD which came with my Limited Edition Haruhi Suzumiya DVD.

    If that doesn't count, then the last CD I remember buying was BoA's 'Vivid' single.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Music
  10. Daisy the Sorceress
    I don't mind having Tidus there. It's not really unexpected.

    What I'd like to know though is who would the FF VI hero featuring in this game, since there wasn't really a protagonist in FF VI.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. Daisy the Sorceress

    What do we know about Aqua? She has a Keyblade and can fight. Awesome! Give her a medal. :rolleyes:

    We don't know a thing about her personality yet. Being a fighter does not equal a greatly developed character (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter's Lin was even less developed than Kairi and she could fight - not to mention that she had more screentime than Kairi and was an important character too). Hell, we don't even know if she will actually be playable (we know that it's Terra, Ven and another character but that character isn't confirmed to be Aqua - it could be Mickey Mouse, for all we know).

    I'm not trying to bash Aqua or say that she is going to be worse than Kairi but I haven't got enough proof of whether Nomura is on the right or wrong foot with her yet. So I'm going to do the same with Kairi and say that it could go either way with Aqua too. I hope it's going to go a good way but we don't know that for sure yet. It's too early to say.

    We don't even know what he plans for Kairi. Yeah, I agree that he didn't do very well with her in the first two games (and I wasn't impressed when she or Riku got Keyblades, even though I thought that Riku was the most developed character - to me they felt a little like last minute attempts to make both of them look cool) and that Namine was developed better I'm afraid that isn't convincing enough for me that her character development is down the lavatory yet. All she has done is killed a few Heartless and said that she isn't going to be left behind anymore but she hasn't done anything too ridiculous like joined the party the same level as the other party members. She might spend her next appearance training to become a better fighter. She might even get her own game as a main character, for all we know. Nomura could, as I say before, just screw her up either because he is lazy or because he just hasn't seen what's wrong with her yet.

    I'm not saying that there's a huge possibility that Kairi is going to get great character development but it's unfair not to give her at least some sort of chance. And it's silly if you say that she is definitely going to get great characterisation too. I don't want to be biased either way. So I'm going to remain neutral on this situation (if that makes any sense).

    End spoilers
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Daisy the Sorceress
    Actually, I think that you're being too pessimistic (no offence). Maybe Kairi will great character development. Maybe she won't. I want to be open-minded to the fact that it could go either way. But I want to give her a chance because if I don't then I might have a bad bias against her if she does get good character development and therefore it would be unfair on Nomura. It's possible that Nomura doesn't care about Kairi but we really don't know that for sure. Maybe he intended her for be a good character but unintentionally didn't present her very well (which is possible - people who make canon aren't perfect and canon is going to have mistakes).

    He may just have not found a good opportunity for her to develop her character yet. Maybe he's already planned something for her that we don't know about - and may do a good job at it or screw it up. But it's unfair to say that Kairi has completely gone down the drain and can never come back up again in terms of characterization.

    I just want to be open-minded to the fact that Nomura may or may not develop her.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Daisy the Sorceress
    I don't visit these forums very often. Occasionally I come here but I've ventured to other fandoms for a while.

    Anyway, I don't dislike Kairi. I think that she needs a lot of work on but I do think she has potential and do not think that she should be taken out of the game. I'm curious to see how Nomura uses her in the future.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Daisy the Sorceress
    3/4 English. 1/4 Irish. Although I have some Welsh blood somewhere and some French ancestry.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Daisy the Sorceress
    When I said that hate is a bit much I meant "Well, I understand if somebody doesn't like a fictional character for not doing anything/much but actual hate is a bit too strong of an emotion". But then I don't see much point in having really strong hatred for fictional characters anyway. Although people are entitled to their own opinion.
    Post by: Daisy the Sorceress, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX