It would have been an interesting world-particularly in looks-but I don't see it being inserted just from the fact we had Simba and the Pride Lands already.
Lulz, I had no idea where to put this, so I just guessed and put it here. If it's in a very unsuitable place, feel free to move/delete/whatever you desire.
Well, getting to the point, my friend wants a question answered. I've had to do it for her as a consequence of letting her fervently use my internet-which she herself lacks-and allowing her to see something that sent her into an uproar.
What she saw, paraphrasing, was along the lines of 'Yeah, at the KH panel, it was said no pairings were to be made canon', or something to that effect. She saw red because she kind of was hoping for some pairings-RikuKairi, in particular, for her own reasons. I myself can't find the original source of this claim, so I'm asking the dear people of these boards to possibly supply one for me and put both of us girls out of our misery DX