Recent Content by dair2

  1. dair2
    they dont feel they remember what it felt like
    Post by: dair2, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. dair2
    can i join

    Appearance:a pale person who spends his time studing weak but knows a lot alway has his note book
    Class:red mage
    Bio:when he was 9 his parents died he went to livewiht his uncle who made him studie when he was 12 he found the staff in his uncles room
    Personality:always whants to know more
    Weapon(s) :a staff with a scorpian carved on it
    Other: alway has his note book and a pencil
    Post by: dair2, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. dair2
    can i join

    Light/Dark light
    Pact Partner his cat
    Pact Partner Apperence a cat
    Pact Price his memory from before castle oblivian
    Pact Mark a tatoo of a cats eye on his ankle
    Pact Power what he writes in the book ussaly happens
    Backstory all he remembers is waken up castle oblivain then he ran to twilight town there he met an ally cat they became close friends
    Post by: dair2, Apr 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. dair2
    chosse between being a Nobodie or a someone like sora
    Thread by: dair2, Apr 4, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home