OOC- Just so you don't get confused, this is about animals! This is if keyweilders were also animals, but humans are also allowed. It's set in Radiant Gardens(Hollow Bastion) after KH2. Before the roleplaying officially begins, all parcipitants must post some kind of profile of the character. Can be as long as you want, I'd like maybe 5 or 7 active members to come besides myself. No posting order.
Profile Form-
Species-(human, wolf, kitsune, etc...)
Gender-(female or male)
Description-(appearance, personality, powers if any, keyblade if any)
History-(an optional short summary of your character's life before the set time period)
wouldnt be funny if you could mod lion sora to be ameterasu from okami. but seriously i need a code for pride lands donald that lets u be him inside and outside of pridelands and i also want a donald code where u can be normal donald and have his moveset(ya know, be able to use donalds magic without crashing the game) it doesnt matter if you really cant though i know how busy u guys are(by the way some idiot named 13draconus_ maximus13 is getting under my skin so dont answer if u are him *snarl*)
Yaketa let out an amused, mew-like sound. So, this male wanted a fight? She speedily turned when she saw him veer down into the stream, but then took her time yet again. He seemed like he was looking for something, and she was patient enough to wait and be silent until the time of her possible battle. She loved the thrill of the chase and the decisive blow of the battle. It simply showed that when one was tested in wits and ways, they would becoome stronger whether they won or lost.
Yaketa wasn't amused by his speed. she slowed it down in her mind until she could see his exact direction and leapt up into a tree. She leapt from branch to branch, taking her time as she followed her scent. she could go for a battle with this odd wolf. she knew that sooner or later he would pause for a rest and that his scent woud never dissappear as long as he stayed out of water...but even thatwasn't a problem. Yaketa would just take a guess at the angle he entered from by the scent trail and go in after him.
Yaketa spun aorund again, this time to meet the next intruder, a gray male with a black face. her gaze burned intensly into his eyes as she glared at him, attempting to stare him down. Yaketa never knew why she was so hostile with most, but the panther blood that ran through her veins gave her a fiery spirit and she could fight like a demon. She tried to soften her gaze, however. he hadn't done anything to hurt her, so she rsponded to him." Oh, nothing. i was teaching this young male not to insult an unknown wolf behind their back. He doesn't know what he could've been dealing with." she said quite calmly as she watched him. She licked on one her paws. Her catlike habits usually surfaced at one point or another, and most cats were loners and hostile to intruders. Yet wolves were social creatures, so her bloodlines often ended up warring within her.
Yaketa let go, obviously sensing that this wolf was just an uneducated ruffian. "I'll spare you for now, but I'll kill you if I catch you saying things like that again." she growled viciously at the male, who was cowering under her icy glare. She walked off toward the sound she had heard before, the one of the twing snapping. Her frost-white pelt glittered and glowed under the light as her fierce amber eyes raged and burned like an awakened flame.
Yaketa's amber eyes glared at the blue male as she stared him down, backing him up even further against the tree. She snarled, her white panther fangs gleaming like ivory in the light. "What are YOU doing here? she growled under her breath. "WHAt the HECK are YOU?!" the amle responded rudely. In a flash Yaketa closed her teeth around his throat, shutting off his breathing. "Say what?" she snarled viciously as she closed down tighter and tightr, daring him to challenge her.
Moonlight filtered through open spaces in the leaves of the gigantic trees, creating blue shafts that penetrated the darkness and set a blue glow about the silent forest. It was an ancient place, with most trees being taller than the great Redwoods themselves with their great, spreading boughs of fragrant blooms and green-gray leaves. A small figure made its way along a path. The wolf looked like a spirit, with her frost-white pelt that had a bluish tint to it, making it sharp and giving it a clarity that most wolves' pelts never had. Her eyes were a peircing, sparkling amber, expressive and fierce. She had long, elegant legs and a slender, graceful build. Yaketa had a catlike way of locomotion, and could retract her claws at will, just like a wild cat. In fact, she was a wolf-panther, with all the appearance of a wolf but the fire and beauty that only a feline could manage. She had the abilities of a top-grade assassin, with astounding flexibility and agiltiy. She had extraordinary senses and could hear, see, and scent what most animals wouldn't notice for hours on end...or at least until it was too late. Yaketa was a master hunter, and stalked her prey just like a panther, hiding in the trees or sneaking in the underbrush, her slyness and skill almost always scored her a meal. Suddenly, a twig snapped behing her and her ears twitched, picking up the sound. Quickly she spun around to meet the noise.