SORAAAA~ omg im psyched to hear that Sora will forever be the hero of Kingdom Hearts... phew...what a relief <3
not only is BBS coming but 3 more KH games are on the way?! thats awsome! i know of those three KH games KH3 is one title.. i wonder what the others are.. and what they will be about... :3
and im also glad to hear that they are for-certain that the Kingdom Hearts series wont end with KH3!! i know im getting ahead of myself but i wonder who the new bad guy will be after the Xehanort saga :D
ima be very upset if the story continues without Sora as the main character anymore. he's the MAIN character. u cant continue a story without the main character... its just not right. Sora is un-replacable imo, hes just too awsome :D