Egh, this one old creep entered the bus I was in. As he walked down the corridor, he grabbed my shoulder; only for a brief moment, but it was long enough to make my heart jump in fear. He sat right behind me, leaning very heavily against the back of my seat.
You have no idea how relieved I was to get out of that bus.
If taking sips out of my parents' drinks doesn't count, I haven't tried anything. /lame
I am slightly curious about everything, including drugs, but the feeling's not strong enough to make me try things out.
If you think that your boyfriend following you and looking at you constantly is annoying and "stalkerish", then it's pretty clear that your feelings towards him are not as strong as they are towards your best friend. If I had a boyfriend following me around and staring at me in class, I'd just find it cute. It is a sign of affection. If that feels weird for you, I doubt he's the right one for you.
Feeling guilty and confused is normal in this situation. You pretty much just have to ignore it and do what your heart tells you to do. (Cheesy phrase, I know. But it's surprisingly true.)
I'm on the same lines with Bueno-chan here. I also want to add that some people are not as tolerant when it comes to other people's beliefs. Maybe your friend's a hardcore agnostic and just can't bear religious matters that well. Of course, I wouldn't know, but it's a possibility.
But yes, the best thing to do right now is a conversation. Talk things through and see what happens.
I personally wouldn't be able to make out or even kiss my best friend. A small peck might go, but it still feels wrong to me.
Kissing and making out has always been a very serious thing for me. My first kiss just has to be with the person I am in a serious relationship with; there's this huge meaning to it that prevents me from just going around and kissing people.
People's views, when it comes to this, are somewhat controlled by the culture they've lived with. In Finnish culture you don't usually greet with a kiss; you shake hands, maybe give a quick hug. But kissing, never. Unless it's your loved one. A kiss might be an excellent way of saying "hello" in some other cultures, but I myself can't imagine doing it just like that.
Buuut I think I'm a bit off track with this post, considering how different greeting kisses are compared to a "real" one.
tl;dr I make out with my guy and no-one else kthxbye.