Recent Content by crewkid52

  1. crewkid52
    I was thinking sora could be a windup toy or maybe even a plushie
    Post by: crewkid52, Jan 16, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. crewkid52
    I really want this game, even though it's KH1 all over again. Hmm...Amazon?
    Post by: crewkid52, Jan 15, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. crewkid52
    I really hope that they're going to put in Toy Story. Imagine Sora as a windup toy. That would make for a slightly funny/weird cutscene:
    Sora: "I Have to-" (key stops turning and Sora stops working)
    Party Member:"Sora? Sora?! SORA?!"

    probably something to that effect, only probably not as lame as above :P. I think bugs life would be good too
    Post by: crewkid52, Jan 15, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates