Recent Content by crazycat1294

  1. crazycat1294
    It doesn't work for me. I'm trying it with infinite drive and infinite hp, and neither work. Maybe those codes aren't working..? I'll try some more...

    Well, at least I got it to stop crashing...

    Edit: Does the enable code actually have to be named "Enable Code" or is anything ok?

    Edit 2: Ok, I got it. I had the wrong inf. codes, and I had CB on my flash drive when it should of been on my MC. (Why can't people be specific with things like MASS\MC storage...)
    Post by: crazycat1294, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. crazycat1294
    Whats the confirmed enable code? I've tried different ones but none work. I'm using codebreaker v9.2, and am running KH2:FM through ESR (not sure if that makes a difference; I do have it setup right for that; I do own the game).
    Any help is appreciated! :)
    Post by: crazycat1294, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Code Vault