ok i change the pcsx2_096.ini pcsx2 0.96.exe--PROCESS_NAME=pcsx2 i have same emulator with you exept that i dont have sow meny folders end gameindex :P
jesus speaking from forum is realy slow..i wos thiking if some how you give me link of your emuhaste-ore emulator--cuz i dont know what iz rong playe like meky code dosent worck im tryng all the time :/
open emulator 9.6.....open game log ine then i open emuhaste__ mode change__then i select ..PS2_pcsx2_096.ini pcsx2 0.96.exe--PROCESS_NAME=pcsx2 0.9.6.exe
then i select snap process ...then alot of nuber start coming then i go at box --please snap--i copy paste the code then i select exe& apply
ok i download version 0.9.6 end the emuhaste is not worcking end im very sad i try this 0032F0D1 00000062
1032F0D2 00006262
1032F0D4 00006262
0032F1AB 00000062
0032F1AC 00000062
0032F1AF 00000062
4032F1B0 00040001
62626262 00000000
all weapons but nop :/.....it worcks on 9.7 :| **** i lost time downloading 9.6:| ok em i duing sumthing rong or what seriosli is ther eni tutorial video or sumthing cuz im realy mad with mi self :(
nothing when i try download defuld andivirus see it like virus i close mi andiviruys save defult engine ine the emuhaste end same problem>....:/ its eazyer pnach :( emuhaste suck end mi nerv are priti much fu... up right now :(