Recent Content by cottongirl69

  1. cottongirl69
    Hopefuly they will put him in...
    and hopefully it wont only be for PS3!!
    I mean come on!!
    1st: They would lose money cuz not alot of ppl are willing to buy that thing just for 1 game
    2nd: Alot of ppl own would be good if they put it in PS2 and PS3!! But whatever......:(
    Post by: cottongirl69, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. cottongirl69
    help!! okay, right now im in the part of kh1 where you already opened the door that you had to find all the pieces for...its open, but ive searched everywhere and I have no idea where malificent is (do not be naggy about my spelling!!) can someone help me? :confused:

    anyone there?

    anyone? please answer!!

    this is in hollow bastion by the way

    Thread by: cottongirl69, Apr 15, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX