Recent Content by Corel

  1. Corel
    Before you unlock Final Form, the highest level Valor, Wisdom, and Master can go is 6. When you unlock it, you get to continue training them to level 7, maxing them out.
    Post by: Corel, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Corel
    Hm... if it stopped at five, that means you haven't gotten far enough into the game to level it up further. Every time you get a Drive Gauge Increase for regular Sora, you should be able to train each of your forms up by one level.

    Also, all forms can reach level 7 (9 Drive Gauges), since regular Sora earns up to 7 Drive Gauges throughout the game (starts with 3, earns 4 others).
    Post by: Corel, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Corel
    Nagareboshi ~Shooting Star~ by HOME MADE KAZOKU
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Corel
    Hmm... my first anime was Sailor Moon, though I was only like 4 when I was watching it, so I had no idea what the heck was going on... xD If you don't consider that one, my first one that I understood was Pokemon, when I was 7... Then I came home one day to see my brother watching some DBZ Movie (I think it involved some sort of tree that was sucking the life from the Earth or something...), and I sorta liked it, though when I was expecting DBZ on the following day, apparently Tenchi Muyo had held the actual spot that the movie had started at, so... ^^; I got into that, though I never saw the ending... T_T; Then I guess anime just started taking off in my life, with Digimon, YGO, Yu Yu Hakusho, and a bunch of other ones I can't remember...
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Corel
    Hmm... I pulled an all-nighter once when I was in fifth grade, and I was planning on staying up all night the following night, but I conked out at like 2 the following day... and I woke up at 7 am... xD

    And I didn't do it with coffee, since I was far too young for coffee, and I didn't like the scent nor taste of it...
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Corel
    Minna STAR by AAA
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Corel
    I think he meant how many Drive Gauges you had when you can acquire it or something like that, I think... :/ And if he did, it would be something like this:
    Valor - 3; Wisdom - 3; Master - 4; Final - ? (I got it when I had 6)
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  8. Corel
    I've got 280 according to iTunes... and like 2/3's of them are J-Pop, and I have around ten K-Pop songs... xD The reasons I have so few is because I don't use the iTunes store, and I don't like buying CDs... Also, I have very narrow interests... :/
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Music
  9. Corel
    If you follow the other posts, they should explain it a little more... Also, since, from what it sounds like, you only have Level 4 Valor, that means you should be preparing for that battle with Hostile Program in the Space Paranoids. If you have yet to visit Tron the second time (after you leave the Space Paranoids to find the DTD's Password), do that, so that you can get to Hostile Program.

    If you have battled Hostile Program... I don't know...
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. Corel
    Do you have all 7 Drive Gauges? Also, does Valor have all 9? If Valor has all 9, congrats, it won't get any stronger... xD Also, if you have only 6 Drive Gauges, and still haven't found Final yet, you should just try driving continuously (a good place would be during a tournament in the Underworld where you can use Drives) until you found Final. Once you have Final, all forms can go to 9.
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. Corel
    xD This happened to me before. Your going to have to wait to get either an increase in Drive Gauge (I think), or get Wisdom Form, since the forms won't increase any stronger than your Drive Gauge + 2.
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  12. Corel
    Thanks for the help guys, but... *squirms*

    I feel weird... maybe it's because I'm up at nearly two in the morning, but that doesn't pertain to me feeling weird. It's because I answered part of 1 (only the Frost Stones and Mythril Gems part), and 2 thru 4 after playing the game a little more... I didn't update the topic, since I was afraid of double posting (since it is against the rules), telling that I figured out a couple of the questions... >.<;;;

    Still, I appreciate the help, no matter how late it is! :D Now, um... could someone tell me where the Assassin Nobodies spawn? I mean, I'm pretty sure I have battled them before, I just probably don't know the name of them (the only things I identify are Shadows, Neoshadows, and Dusks... xD).

    Also, could someone give me a couple of clues at how I should tackle Sephiroth? I'm level 78, and with an Ultima Weapon equipped (since I was impatient to get it after I got the final Ori+).

    I've battled him a bunch, and the general plan that I follow is, after he does that first attack with the reaction command, I lunge at him, landing all but the finishing part of the combo on him, then I start up with Trinity, completing that before landing a few more hits and then he disappears across the field. I try lunging at him again, only to take a few slashes worth of damage (less than a third of my life is taken if I'm lucky). I then simply Berserk him until he finally teleports away from me. Then he becomes annoying, launching those orbs around me. I generally knock them away, but while I do so, he ends up taking advantage of me by either using that one ability with the reaction command while I'm in mid-air, or he knocks me into the air when I'm not focusing on him... :/ Then things go down hill from there as I get the stuffing knocked out of me, since Once More only works so far...

    Should I train to level 80 (or was it 85?) and get Second Chance, since that seems like it is needed for the match with Sephy? Or does someone have a good way of handling him, that is simple enough for me to memorize and do (since I react horribly in this battle for some reason...).

    Also, #5 is still open for help, even though there is only four chests I need to find (two in Agrabah; third row down from the top Agrabah row, all of the way to the right, and two for 100 Acre Woods; the ends of the final complete row.), which means I shouldn't have trouble finding it, if someone remembers where said chests are... :3

    (P.S: Yes I have FM+, but I'm going to be playing that along with KHII, since I really want to wrap that up... which reminds me... I need to play KHI... xD)
    Post by: Corel, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  13. Corel
    Hmm... well, the best operating system to me would be Windows. Despite having grown up on Macs (really old Macs), Windows is far easier for me to control, and I can generally find everything on it (well, at least the one I'm using). Also, considering that despite my school makes us work with Macs, I seem to get very lost on the Macs, even though I know where mostly everything is on them as well. Still, I think it's just how the Mac is set up, and how attached I've become with Windows that makes it seem really hard to use.

    Linux... I've never really used one before, though I have heard tons of good things about it... The only thing is that I seemingly can't find a computer store that sells them, all that they do sell is Macs and Windows... :/

    Macs I truly don't like any more. Simply because of facts already stated, I get lost on them really easy, despite knowing where everything is. I also dislike that they come with only single click mice and not left-and-right click one... Also, considering that it's hard for me to tell which program is running (considering that hitting the "Close" button in the upper corner of the window doesn't turn the program off), I could be using valuable memory that I could need for another program...
    Post by: Corel, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. Corel
    Good question about the ChocoMog... xD
    And I prefer Moogles more.
    Kupos are better than Warks. Also, I like how you can play as them in FFTA... :3
    Post by: Corel, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. Corel
    Hmm... I'm still in love with D.N Angel, despite it already having ended... but currently, I've only been watching Naruto: Shippuden, though I have been thinking about Bleach... I know no really good anime that I can easily get my hands on... T_T I also mean, in the original Japanese... from Episode 1...
    Post by: Corel, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga