Recent Content by core36

  1. core36
    yeah iso hack would be easyer but i still want to test if it's posible with codes.
    will be back if i find something interesting
    Post by: core36, May 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. core36
    no i don't know what to look for, but thats ok since it's part of the challange
    as you startet with coding, did you exactly know what to do?

    didn't actually try it until now but at least i have some ideas how to start.
    why i think it's possible:
    every object in the game needs to be loaded, read, drawn
    so somewhere between or after the last two steps the data how the object is drawn will be in the code.
    if i'm not wrong i should be able to cut the model. maybe it would also be possible to create new keyblades by reshaping an old one.

    but thats just ideas for now. still alot of work to do

    about my capabillities... i learned myself how to use a computer, how to write programms using a real language (not gamemaker stuff),
    how to draw models using MilkShape 3D, english, swimming and some other things
    and i under stand the basics of coding. maybe a little huge for a "codding-beginner" like me but im somewhat convinced that i will accomplish even that.
    ... and yeah i know self-praise stinks, i'm going to wash myself now.
    Post by: core36, May 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. core36
    But "I don't think it's possible" doesn't necessary mean "It's not possible" even if it's only dma and only usable on emulator, i'm still going to try my best on it.

    arm-moveset codes anyone?
    Post by: core36, Apr 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. core36
    somebody got a tutorial / some tipps for modelcutting? will try to make some weapons wieldable, but no idea how to start...
    and some body who have some arm-moveset-codes? tried to create a somewhat funny form, but can't get finishers to work so i'll try to use some arm-movesets
    Post by: core36, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  5. core36
    you use the codes on a real PS2, right? and you need the capture card to make some hacking vids?
    as far i know you can connect the ps2 to a modern graphic card using some adapter. never tryed it before.
    and i have seen a video capture card using the usb-port, looks like a normal usb-stick, but don't know about the quality.

    since i don't know where you live (maybe even when i do) i can't say where you can buy one near you... just use google or find a pc forum.

    that's all i can help you about. i hobe my english wasn't too bad (i'm a little sleepy right now, and avast won't let me on google translate. it says there is a virus on that site xD i knew it! anyway can't recheck my spelling )

    mfg core36
    Post by: core36, Nov 17, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. core36
    please give me the codes:

    ally anti sora replaces goofy
    ally final sora replaces donald

    Post by: core36, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  7. core36
    well i can imagine xD since riku don't got the animations. goofy has an animation if he blocks an attack.

    NEED: dw roxas/sora/sora's forms with donald's arm moveset, if it's possible.
    Post by: core36, Oct 21, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  8. core36
    yeah that was the problem. now i got 2 keyblades ^^

    BTW: i just watched Aurangzeb56 texture mod video, but it's for final mix. im not that skilled to port the texture code to pal.
    someone else please try it, thank you.

    and i would like to ask if, in the animation mod video Aurangzeb56 made, we can cross the animations, like give normal sora a final form normal attack and a valor finisher move or something. if that would work and someone port the mod to pal, we would be one step further to a working limit form :) ...yeah, i know, but let me dream a little :lolface:
    Post by: core36, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  9. core36
    oh yeah i forgot the part with the giant starseeker, sorry :sweat:
    but shouldn't there be 2 keyblades?

    ...or maybe because i tryed the code on a savefile w/o final unlocked. im not at home and on ma notebook im only at lvl 14... maybe i will retest it later ^^
    Post by: core36, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. core36
    can't help with texture mode, but i tried your code.

    don't know what it should make, but i got a finalform with valor model and only one keyblade... not really "Black". or is this the reason why you need the texture mode?

    Post by: core36, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  11. core36
    since i don't own an armax i can't test your converted code.
    but i tried the raw code, but it doesn't do anything...
    i think it should make roxas holding his keyblade backwards, right?
    same thing can i get with the keyblade size mode:
    2037b300 BF800000 - Normal Keyblade
    2037b300 C0100000 - bigger keyblades
    2037B300 3F800000 - Normal Keyblades, backwards
    2037B300 40100000 - bigger keyblades, backwards
    just play with the digs around until you get your perfeckt size :rockdover:

    thanx for fixing, you rock! :rockband:
    and i'm glad i could help :)
    Post by: core36, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  12. core36
    not working for me. i got the same problem as christo (no 2nd keyblade) :.-.:

    i tryed to port it myself with deltamaker and offset 500 (found the offset somewhere here):
    Play as Dual-Wielding Riku (not really working code)
    11CFAC7C 0000089B
    01CDD377 0000002E
    21CDD378 7465736D
    21CDD37C 00000000
    01CDD394 00000023
    11CDD39C 00000002
    00340F84 0000008A
    103411E4 00020100
    21CFC2EC 003200A3
    21CDD34C 01000000
    21CDD394 00230001
    21CDD39C 09000000
    103403C0 00000029
    11CEFCB4 00000068
    21CF0BF4 58455F57
    21CF0BF8 5F303130
    21CF0BFC 425F5852
    21CF0C00 5F464C54
    01CF0C04 0000004C
    it works fine (needet to change the first line though), but for some reason, oathkeeper is stuck in his head, and riku wields WTTD backwards :confused:
    maybe you can find out what's gone wrong?

    thx core36
    Post by: core36, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  13. core36
    if i knew how, i would. still learning.
    but at least i tested them.
    Post by: core36, Oct 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  14. core36
    i tried all three codes... and only the dw riku code worked correctly.
    "Limit Sora (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠" - just messes up the attachment points of the keyblades of valor-form.
    "Anti-Roxas Form - Ultimate Darkness Sora" - more like ultimate speed up mode?

    But "Play as Dual-Wielding Riku" would be worth to port it to pal.

    tested the codes on my ps2 emu running the kh2 ntsc edition
    Post by: core36, Oct 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  15. core36
    here you go:

    play as dw roxas
    play as tron sora
    play as riku V5
    since i normaly don't use the riku code, i don't know if this is the fixed code or not.


    i'm intrested in the "arm moveset mode" that was used in the warrior code to get master form wielding goofy's shields. i split the warrior code until i got only the arm-moveset, but after messing around with it, it only crashed.
    someone able to help?

    thank you, core36
    Post by: core36, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault