Sorry people, i dont get on as much anymore. i will try and check back frequently. no promises though. and no im not dead......
he, im kinda busy these days, i promise ill try and get on more when i have time!
hey! hows it goin? anyway i want u 2 check out these vids the first 1 is mine but the 2nd 1 u can ignor. if ur christian or any other relgion like...
oooo ive seen this a million times! ive even seen it with Roxas and Sora:P
xp! sux for u!but hey i have finals comin up i think! O CRAP! I TOTALY FORGOT ABOUT MY JAPANESE TEST NXT HR!!!! AHHHH!
o its ok, so have i. man i hate hw! i can only stand it for so long
no they know other 1s but they hate em all, especialy kh! but thank god that theyre my adpotive parents and not my real ones. my real dad was the...
sure! u do way better than i do
thx, although it probably wont b finihed for quiet a while cuz my parents dont like anything 2 do with anime other than Death Note, and that...
i have heard of birth by sleep i just havent heard of that particular character. nd great art btw!^^
Ventus? idk who that is well ttyl bed time
171 ~Love~ i would normaly ask how the game end but i already know due 2 me having all the clips for that game already(note i didnt get em from...
sweet! i lost mine for like 3 days i was so pissed at myslef, yeah if i hadnt lost it for that long i would b farther or at least beaten it by...
i know rite! wellll, it would help if i did socalize more and me and some of my friends got along better but hey at least i know wat i like and it...
ha! yes! i missed u! so hows life treating u?