Recent Content by ClankDaxter

  1. ClankDaxter
    Gosh Kairi/Namine should be some kind of boss battle in KHIII
    Post by: ClankDaxter, Dec 7, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. ClankDaxter
    Although I didn't like Ratatouile that much it would be kind of interesting seing Heartless/Nobodies/Unversed (will they ever be back?) ruining the cooking

    But I wonder if they'll put Pixar movies in KH.

    If so, a Nemo world would be nice to see too!
  3. ClankDaxter
    Hi there! I'm fine... You?
    Profile Post by ClankDaxter for TerraxLover89, Nov 27, 2010
  4. ClankDaxter
    I hope there's no Up in it! I never liked that movie! Haven't seen it, but by the trailler I don't intend to... So I can't say if it would suit the KH story or not! A Phines and Ferb world would be cool just because my friend makes the voice of Phines in the Portuguese version of the series xD
  5. ClankDaxter
    It's possible that TerraxLover89 is right! But wouldn't the FM version of the game contain new cutscenes, rather then old ones that where already shown before in a trailler!
    Post by: ClankDaxter, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. ClankDaxter

    I've came to realise, that after playing the game, many of the cutscenes that where shown in previous traillers aren't included. This is quite a letdown, since many of them where actually more epic than the ones that made to the final game. The first one with Terra and Ven in Radiant Garden is just incredible. The closest explanation would be that they where BETA cutscenes... But still, many of them where quite better as they where. Such is with Xehanort in Olympus Colisseum talking with Ven. I've found it much more interesting him apearing there rather than the one that we got in the Keyblade Graveyard!

    Opinions and Discussions guys! What do you people think about it? Should these have made it to the final game!
    Thread by: ClankDaxter, Nov 22, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. ClankDaxter
    I'm sure it'll be about Sora and Riku becoming Keyblade Masters! Acording to RE:Coded Secret Ending! We will have one entire game dedicated to the Mark of Mastery, on Nintendo DS again -.-' When will they bring the series back to the PS system? PSP would be good enough! I'm more interested in seing a RE:3D in PS3 than rather in Nintendo 3DS. And a RE:358/2 days in PSP/PS3
  8. ClankDaxter
    I'm just sad that it's for DS! I'm pretty sure I won't be buying one! And if it's "the next major game" they should have choosen the PSP or PS3... And since the creators of BBS are probably going to create it, it means they already have experience with the PSP. And the PSP can get better graphics! And Traverse Town, original outfits, old ages... Doesn't sound so good to me! Curious about how the story will be!
  9. ClankDaxter
    Well, many people questions about who is Masters Xehanort aprentice. Well, I was thinking, and it might could be Xehanort (from Kingdom Hearts 1).
    Well, because of this:
    Him master's name is Xehanort. After being defeated on Birth By Sleep, he forgets everything from him past. He could only remember's him master's name.
    Xehanort, if in BBS he can wields a Keybled why doesn't he does that on KH1? Because if forgets him memories, he forgets that he is a Keyblade wielder. Many of you may not think the same way of me, but remeber one think. This is just a theory...
    Thread by: ClankDaxter, Jan 22, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. ClankDaxter
    It'll be cool if there is a world of Shrek, as Shrek an party member, and the bad guys from shrek 1 and 2, the ones I can't remeber they're name.

    cinderella, snow white and Sleeping Beauty as worlds would be nice too.

    Snow White: a world like Antlantica form KH2.

    And the others, normal worlds like the others.

    Hollow Batsion, Destiny Island and Diseney Castle will be there but I think Hollow Bastion will be named Radiatn Garden.
    Post by: ClankDaxter, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. ClankDaxter
    or maybe it's the heartless of YenSid... I never like that old man. He was so mysterious. remember that he disapeared after sora, goofy and donald get out of twilight town? he's very mysterious and i was thinking that he could be a bad guy.
    Post by: ClankDaxter, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. ClankDaxter
    there is any code for ps2?

    like this:


    note: this cheat is't real.
    Post by: ClankDaxter, Aug 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates