Recent Content by chozen45

  1. chozen45
    Wait...where does it say that Vexen, Lexaus, and Zexion (by the way im sorry if i misspelled their names) were rebels? If I remember correctly Lexaus, Vexen and Zexion did not like taking orders from Marluxia and were unaware of their in reality you can really only could Larxene and Marluxia as Im going to go with Larxene she was badass.

    Actually, Marluxia was using Naminae to manipulate Sora to work for them (the traitors) so in reasponse to that...Lexaus and Zexion decided that they would counter act their plan by manipulating Riku to balance the playing field so to speak.
    Post by: chozen45, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. chozen45
    Id have to say that im looking forward to BBS the most. I read somewhere that it uses the Crisis Core graphics and looking at Crisis Core the graphics are going to be amazing for a portable. Not to mention i think it will play a much more important role in the KH series.
    Post by: chozen45, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. chozen45
    I've been steadily going through KH and KHII...I cant even count how many times I have beat KH and KHII but they always seem to never get boring...of course a break between playing each time is always good "P.

    I love how i totally get destroyed in KH...I missed the challenges that KHII completely lacked. But both games are great in their own very different ways.
    Post by: chozen45, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX