Recent Content by CharlesMabe

  1. CharlesMabe
    I found your topic on Google and I thought I'd respond.

    I bought the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Prima strategy guide, and it was flawed. There was no mention of certain vital synthesis items and it added one that didn't exist. That was only the first problem I saw and I began to see more. In response, I sent Prima a somewhat angry letter. I asked them to take their time on their guides and told them I wished I could get an updated 1.5 guide instead of the unreliable one I purchased. I told them how much I hated their new strategy of making every guide an e-guide and of taking books off the shelves of stores within weeks after the game's release. I also told them that BradyGames always has better-structured guides and that they don't force you to read endless paragraphs just to find items in games. I told Prima that their exclusivity to game guides was creating a monopoly that was probably making them think they could be careless. I always thought BradyGames guides were far more intuitive and of better quality.

    Maybe I'm not the only one who expressed my complaints, and maybe the lack of a guide here is a result of fan backlash. I hope that they're just taking their time now, and I can always dream of getting a replacement guide to my copy of 1.5.
    Post by: CharlesMabe, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX