Recent Content by chaosmaster011

  1. chaosmaster011
    I think that maybe mickey could have been a TESTER for the drive forms, not the originator or inventor. The drive forms have probably been an old battle style used by plenty keyblade masters. However when their numbers decreased, the ability to drive slowly disappeared. Then Mickey came along to try to learn it.
    Post by: chaosmaster011, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. chaosmaster011
    Ven is proably his own person tied to Roxas somehow. Maybe, due to the battle with Master Xehnaort, he needed to recover. So he, somhow fused with Sora, giving Sora the power to weild the keyblade. Then, when Sora became a heartless, Ven was realesed, however he forgot everything. That is why Xemnas gives Roxas a new name, as see in KH2:FM+. Well... this is what I think
    Post by: chaosmaster011, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX