Recent Content by Cartoon Moomba

  1. Cartoon Moomba
    Ah, this kind of (not really) made up for yet another spinoff that we're getting. =) It's good to see the whole "Heart and body joined together again" theory actually be put into the game... but yeah I agree, this secret ending kind of sucked. And I really do want to know what's going to happen to Kairi and her Keyblade - if it's just for show, I'm gonna hit somebody on the head. -_-
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Cartoon Moomba
    YES. :) I've been waiting for this ever since BbS came out... I wonder if KH3D WILL be about this - however, since the story apparently takes place when they are kids again, we'll have to see... I just wish KH3 was OUT already. And I wonder what this means for some of the other Organization XIII members, as greater_bloo mentioned above - I had a theory that the heart and the body could be reunited, but seeing it put into action is just so great. I'd love to see some of them make appearances again.

    I wonder what this means for Kairi, though, with her Keyblade, since Yen Sid only mentions Riku and Sora.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Cartoon Moomba
    I can't wait to see all three of these movies; hopefully they'll be worth all the hype.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 6, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Cartoon Moomba
    Hi, welcome to KHV! =)

    Ah Persona 3. <3 I haven't played the PS2 version, just the PSP one and I loved it. Haven't managed to get myself through the 4th game yet, though.

    I agree with Sforzato - writing and storyboarding, two of the things I love to do! Well, I've never done storyboarding, but it seems like it's a lot of fun to do. I hope you'll be posting up some stuff for us to read soon. =)
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 6, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Cartoon Moomba
    I like the first one the best! :)
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Cartoon Moomba
  7. Cartoon Moomba
  8. Cartoon Moomba
    I remember seeing KH shoelaces, now that you mention it. I don't know whether or not you can find them online, but the shoelaces and those things you put your keys on when you want them around your neck sure were a surprsing sight. =P
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Cartoon Moomba
    I would have thought it would have been obvious, even though I often used to keep laptops on my lap... they got painfully hot anyways.

    The X-Pad sounds like it would have been mighty useful, though.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  10. Cartoon Moomba


    Agreed. :) You'd have to be willing to spend a lot of time on the game though, if you want to go for that.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cartoon Moomba
    Wow, that sounds like it would have been pretty awesome to see.

    My school Leadership council pretty much fails and outside of Halloween (where you see the same costumes year after year...) we don't have those kinds of theme days. I'm not one for dressing up anyway, but I do love seeing others. =P

    But if more days were like today... I'd go crazy. I had some sort of test or quiz in every one of my classes and I'm pretty sure I didn't do so good on my Math one. But life would be more fun if some of our greatest days stretched for longer than a day.
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Cartoon Moomba


    To be honest I would like to have some of my more useless that I don't enjoy memories gone, but keep all the ones that have affected me in one way or another. Besides, I'd probably always be feeling like I forgot something. ^_^;
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  13. Cartoon Moomba


    Shaiya does look good, though I've never played it myself, personally.

    I played Perfect World Internation for the longest time if you want to try it - however, I don't suggest going for long-term because the GMs aren't the best there, and it's pretty much Pay-To-Win at the higher levels.

    The same company has Heroes of Three Kingdoms which is apparently okay, and a Closed Beta coming out for Forsaken World. However, the company itself isn't the best at keeping the games running smoothly enough for long periods of time, so try at your own discretion. xD
    Post by: Cartoon Moomba, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone