Recent Content by CaboHitman

  1. CaboHitman

    What about Gummi codes? infinite cost would be nice but I can't find it anywhere.
    Post by: CaboHitman, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. CaboHitman
    Hey guys.

    Some years ago, I heard about a project that was translating KH: FM to english. Now, some time later, it's nowhere to be found. I've google'd it up a lot, but only KH2:FM+ (by Xeeynamo) and KHBBS:FM (by Truthkey)

    I got my copy of KH:FM, and I would like to play it patched to english, but the project seems to have vanished from existance.

    Any information would be very appreciated.

    Thread by: CaboHitman, Dec 20, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. CaboHitman
    guys? anything about infinite gummi cost?
    I don't neet the 100% drop, but it would be useful anyway
    Post by: CaboHitman, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. CaboHitman

    I have a patched version of KH2FM+ which translates it to english, and it seems that because of that, just a few codes work for me. And even more, I can't find the codes that I'm looking for. Maybe those don't even exist. I've used the Search function, google'd up a lot but nothing works.

    I'm playing on PCSX2, the CRC of the game is f266b00b.

    The codes that I want are:

    100% chance of material drop from enemies
    infinite AP (and/or COST) in gummi ship

    Post by: CaboHitman, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Code Vault