Recent Content by Broken_Vow

  1. Broken_Vow
    Sorry I didn't look at the other one, heh, I just didn't have time time. I actually just clicked the first one that I saw.

    I'll watch the second one later, but just take into the things I said into consideration. :)

    I look forwrd to seeing your next AMV
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Mar 6, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Broken_Vow
    First of all, great song.

    Were you only using the video clips from Day 6? That would seem very difficult. I can't quite remember how long it was. But good work if you only used those clips!

    Remember, it's okay to mix things up. Try not to have one scene on there for too long; we wouldn't want it to become boring, you know? I think yours were a bit longer than I would have perferred, but I understand than on the scenes where you did the slow-motion effect. Those were prefect.

    Excellent job on the shadowing and effects. (Sorry if I used the wrong word, I awlays get mixed up on effect and affect.)
    How I like to do it is to change the scence on the beat, instead of in the middle. Personal preference, I'm a music person and I love things to be dead on. But changing it off the beat is good too.

    As you get more advanced, the faster you'll change screens, and the more complicated your videos will get. You don't have to start out having the best video, and I liked yours. I like things to move fast, but if you're using Windows Movie Maker, things can be unworldly hard. It really depends on how into videos you are. My friend is obsessed with it and used like, Vegas 7. (I have absolutely no experience in any type of Vegas Move Maker. Heh.)

    Be careful where you choose to put which effect where. (If that makes any sense) You used the one that made all the people look like clay-characters a few times. I like it, but make sure to spread them out.

    I thought your video was great. Message me if you have any questions, concerns, etc. :P
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  3. Broken_Vow
    Everyone has their own opinion. Some may believe that it's going against all God meant in life. Others may think that God doesn't exist. (NOT SAYING he doesn't exist, but some do.) It's all a matter of how open minded you are, really.

    I'm not dumb, I know that it's up to the state to decide gay marriage laws. Many disagree with gay marriage rights.

    But If I was a gay, I'd want to be treated with equal respect straight people get. Since I'm not, I don't KNOW what the feeling is like. But It must be awful to get treated like an alien because you love the same sex.

    I'm more than likely off topic.

    In my opinion, as said before, love is love, and it has no limits.
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. Broken_Vow
    Not to rain on the whole Starlight, DSK back and forth thing, but I really wanted to comment on this. :P

    First of all, I love the song. But I have to agree with DSK, you should have just muted the japanese parts. Perhaps they were there for a reason, and if so, kudos to you. The words could possibly have meaning? I don't know, but next time you should try to get them in english so we Americans can understand. Lol.

    Secondly, I liked how you changed from clip to clip. I'm no expert, but you should try shadowing or fading into the next scene.

    Don't take this as critisism. I really liked your video. Just, you could make it really amazing with the things DSK and I have mentioned.

    Good Work. :)
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Broken_Vow
    I saw the second one.

    ...JUST the second one. :P

    And I really liked it. But I have yet to see the new one.

    Meh, I guess I'll get it when it comes out on DVD. Movie Theaters aren't my thing. =O
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Broken_Vow
    Hm, I'd definately have to say Reno.

    Cloud and Squall are fine....They're just...not my favorites. o.O
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. Broken_Vow
    I'm torn on the whole thing.

    One part of me is really excited because I really loved the book. I loved all of the HP books.

    The other part of me doesn't want to see it at all because I know I'll be dissapointed. I mean, REALLY. You know they had to cut a lot of it out because the book was so long.

    Sure, there were a few boring that I didn't find very interesting, but I really enjoyed the whole book, and it really sucks that they had to cut a lot of it out. But I can understand that they don't want a 5 hour movie. Or however long it was supposed to be.

    I guess I'll find out if I like it or not when I see it.
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Broken_Vow
    I have absolutely nothing against gay marriages.

    Love is love; it has no limits.
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Broken_Vow
    I don't think it really matters. I only (really) have 2 gamer friends, and they are one is a Christian and the other is an Athiest. The other ones aren't really gamers.

    Erm, the one who is Athiest is kind of twisted, and worships the Devil as a joke. O.o Not really something to joke about, but as I said before, he's twisted.

    So, um, I mean, maybe I'm just missing something, but it's never affected my beliefs. Because both of my parents had to different religions, so I was never sent to one specific church. I kind of wandered.

    So I'm not really sure what to believe, but it gaming hasn't seem to corrupt any of my friends.
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. Broken_Vow
    Ehm, yours makes me think of......of...FLIP FLOPS!

    *runs away*
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Broken_Vow
    I played Runescape ONCE. And it scarred me for life.

    But I soon retired to WoW XD
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Broken_Vow
    In The Shadows- Rasmus

    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Broken_Vow
    I picked mine ' sounded cool?!?!?!

    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Broken_Vow
    Woah. Superstitious much? :P

    I guess I've never really had any real "ghostly encounters" with...anything, really. Or maybe I did, but I just didn't think anything of it. OR maybe I didn't, and I'm pointlessly telling all of you.


    I guess everything happens for a reason...o_o
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Broken_Vow

    No reason why, really. My friend and I got in a huge argument over who was better; Sora or Riku.

    I, of course, sided with Riku. She only likes "light" people. And Well, I guess he just kind of stuck as my favorite character. Sure he may have made the first game really annoying, with all his stupid little unskippable cutscenes....D=<
    Post by: Broken_Vow, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX