Recent Content by BobTodd

  1. BobTodd

    have anyone tested this code? is fairly identical to the one on the first page but there's something idk about it ill xplain

    if this : Battle LVL Default (Before 1000 Heartless Event)


    2034138C 00140401

    is default is posible for 00020000 to of higher value ?

    'niways thank dude ill play sum ith the hexs.

    auron moveset T-stances?

    last one.. :$ may someone pass the pal code for arm mod ?
    Post by: BobTodd, Feb 19, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. BobTodd
    Hello i'd like to ask for a code to wield way to the down in the left hand while using the forms since i heard dmg is very low while using it and i know this might be asked but it would be nice to work on a better difficulty level code that doesnt make monsters invincible, i mean lot of hp but still able to kill.

    Aniways... thanks before hand and awesome work everyone.
    Post by: BobTodd, Feb 19, 2011 in forum: Code Vault