Hello i was wondering if someone could give me a bit of help here. I acquired some new codes here in this forum for Kingdom Heart II: Final Mix + and they have been accepted by my AR MAX cheat device. Though here are a few problems i have encountered.
I have tried two codes for having a DW limit form. The first one got accepted and had an effect in the game but not what i wanted. Sora holds the two keyblades but only uses one to attack as his two hands hold the one in his right hand. Also, not only that but i cannot use the square button fonctions and magic.
I also tried a code to play as mickey (Holding R2 when entering a new map)
I was able to play as Mickey but i cannot fight against bosses or anything with him. The game went wrong as i was fighting against Xemnas with Sora (limit cut) with the mickey cheat on. While i was fighting, Sora changed into Mickey when i used a limit in limit form. Also Mickey's ears were glowing yellow and the sound of his keyblade when it hits wasn't there anymore. But most of the time i try to change into Mickey while entering a new map or even trying to fight a limit cut boss, the map doesn't load but the music does and the fight with the bosses just doesn't load.
hey just asking again since my post is seems far behind: I'd like to have the codes for floating keyblades in normal form, limit form and wisdom form as well as the antiform in donald's armor slot and finally infinite drive.
I'd like all of these codes in AR MAX format since i've been trying with MaxConvert and none of the ones i got work. So i'd be appreciated if someone could do that for me. Thanks.
i'd like to have the codes: two floating keyblades, antiform in donald's armor slot and infinite drive in AR MAX format please.
Also i'd like to ask people to refrain from saying "convert them yourself" and all because i'm really confused about how MaxConvert works so if someone wouldn't mind giving me the codes then it would be very appreciated.