Can people invites me to some groups? I lost all the groups I was in. T~T
Oh man! Looks like someone removed me from all of my groups T~T
Thanks! ^,^ So what have you been up to lately?
Mmm..well first off I'm sorta pre-engaged with the same guy I've been with for the past 8 months. ^,^ SO! Happy about it
Yeah, I know how that is sometimes. lol ^_^
Checking out my facebook and Deviantart page. Nothing much else to do. lol How about you?
I missed you too bro ^_^ Glad I'm back on finally.
Hey Axel! *hugs*
Hey Shawn *hugs*
Hey everyone I had a few hacker problems but I'm back on! ^,^
Hey How's it going? Haven't talked to you in a while. I know you might be busy and such but just wasted to let you know I'm back on here after...
Fine....I'll stay but i don't think brother is coming back...
Not really much today. But i gots a date tomorrow night! ^,^
Nothing much...not really wanting school to start again...everyone will gone which will be weird...
Pretty good. What have you been up to?