ok and good luck to u with handlin the E.S. cuz im not gonna mess wit him no more cuz he seems to like beatin me down as his personal puching bag and he seems to really enjoy it cuz ill try and run away to a cornor or somethin and write out a will to concerning all my stuff and he'll beat me down untill he gets bored -_- *im so scared of him, he's a mad man i tell u, a mad man*
when u knock off three bars off of him its like he gets pissed and and tries to cut ur head off trust me ive felt the pain of messin him and his preciese life bars
OMG please stop postin that we get it already jeez its gettin real annoying some of us r already sure its comin or hoppin and some have just givin up so please stop postin that or so help me im defyin the laws of physics and reachin my hand thru this computer and takin and breakin ur keyboard and im sure other will try to defy the laws as well
well my answers are pretty much what everyone's been sayin but the E.S. ive got like 2/4 outa him but after a while when i dont pay attention to my magic or items (cuz u gota use em alot to last unless he gets u with to stupid spells that prevent stuff) ill wind up dyin from his little one hit moves and then its over trust me people listen to Nomura and lvl up 2 99 cuz u thought Sephiroth was hard well this guy is as hard as tryin to beg ur parents for this game for good behavior.
yea, cuz i knew he was in the game and all but since i cant read japanese i didnt find out till some posted a vid and i saw they were in disney castle cuz like i got multiple saves so if he was there before then, then im a complete idiot
Have u tried fighting the E.S yet cuz i fought him like a thousand times and ima tell u he's hard as he** to beat i would get im like 2/4 out of his hp then all of im dead cuz of his stupid one hit k.o moves and plus at each time i forget i ran outa magic when he kills me id record it but id hafta go by the thing needed to do it woth and my dad its bein stingy with is video camera.
Sora LVL:79 but i still get my but kicked
and yes im extremly bored at my house so i start trainin in the game at like 9a.m and stop playin at 5a.m
edit: o and does any one have the translations to what he says cuz id sit there and look at him wondering what he's sayin and wonder more when he seems kinda pissed at me when he stands up like he just said " i'ma kick ur a** little man!"