Recent Content by Blizzard

  1. Blizzard
    i meant he was crazy and sorry for cursing but he was a piece of **** for trying to exterminate a whole religion.
    Post by: Blizzard, Sep 13, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Blizzard
    yea hitler was mentaly unstable, but remenber that the germans had thrown the british of the continent, and were only concentrating on the eastern front. were the russians had already lost 6 armys trying to stop them from reaching moscow. so in reality they had the upper hand, and were a hairs width from winning.
    Post by: Blizzard, Sep 13, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Blizzard
    Out of my knowledge, germany in 1941 invaded the Soviet union with three army groups north, center, and south. the had 3 million troops on the front.
    2 million were german and the rest axis troops. compared to 5 million soviet troops yes they were out numbered but not out matched. by lATE 1941 THE GERMANS had achieved air superiority and were out side the gates of moscow and were stalled by slight rain wich did not permit their tanks to move. so personally i think they would have won even if outnumbered.
    Post by: Blizzard, Sep 12, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Blizzard
    Who thinks that germany could have won wwii? please support idea with facts.
    Personally, im glad that they did not win but its an interesting topic in history.
    Thread by: Blizzard, Sep 12, 2009, 29 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  5. Blizzard


    hello everybody im new to the site, i hope to have a great time meeting all of you.
    Thread by: Blizzard, Sep 12, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures