action replay max converted here are most of the codes for ar max but i dont know what to do for the ???? sorry have 98 map cards B6AH-MDV9-7QT71 VM19-8FR3-ATC1A HH5D-GJ4Y-E3N7Y (M) Code PU7Y-7ANX-VT5DT 9U4J-UNEP-EQXXT 20RB-7QDQ-63MKZ infinite health W39A-5JF3-4JG4R 0TDA-XVQX-VFVJ6 max lvl 3NF1-NGQ4-ZA8X8 QB7B-B9MM-QP2MM all sleihts PRMZ-YJK4-WU82C EWM0-RBZB-KJDF4 047M-5JXH-5XF6X AMZ6-RHQ3-EG4XR 4AJW-3VYA-3WAE9 WN26-8K37-YDGUZ all attack cards ZE5N-2MN0-ZFET9 1V99-6JGY-JW3FB Y3NE-0FY6-7V4N1 all magic cards KG3F-2A7B-XHBZG D3Z2-MB8H-349N7 JNBZ-VPDX-YJZFR all item cards 00CV-J6HW-WTU3F 7X60-XREW-EJ1TA YAEF-UGWC-7NJ2T VK1J-HZ8A-QQTFG enemy cards GCE2-NXTC-7QHRQ JCBD-Y02P-R45K9 34J1-6NEU-NKF9W JY7D-7FN6-K56HZ skip fmv DWX0-ETTB-VY94Z Q5WZ-AA0A-N7NBQ do not use infiniste health, all attack,magic,item,enemy,world cards at the same time game will not load also olso one more thing this is my first time converting codes so they may not all work