Recent Content by Blaze_the_key_master

  1. Blaze_the_key_master
    I've seen videos of KH2 Under the Sea and they say they got them from here, where can I find them? I have a screen video recorder, but I it makes the video quality SUCK monkey bu- sorry, lost my grip right there. Any way, yeah, where can I find the GOOD high quality videos of under the sea?
    Thread by: Blaze_the_key_master, Apr 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Blaze_the_key_master
    I think spoilers ahead, maybe.

    My choices are:

    1: Roxes, being able to go double blade and smack axle aound? that would be so fun...

    2: Sora, The hero of the story, being able to throw the keyblade several times, than end in yelling "take this!" and throwing it once more. Who wouldn't want that?

    Anti-form sora!: because being all "spastatic" and able to run at high speeds?

    ... no one el-WAIT! ...God-like Sora (AKA: Final Form Sora) Owning everything in your path? Being able to float? having 2 keyblade that float behind you? Able to throw them at anytime and able to ZIP around all over the place in attempts to hit somebody? Gee, I wonder why...
    Post by: Blaze_the_key_master, Apr 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Blaze_the_key_master
    Im a key_master and Im ready to kill some heartless! Im glad to see someone made a site for all the KH games, I think they're the best games ever. Kinda sad that KH2FM+ isn't coming to... well anything other than Japan! :nonono:

    also, Im working on a fangame, made with game maker (Google it) and I call it Kingdom Hearts: Oblivion Knights!
    Its coming along nicely, but I still need help.
    Thread by: Blaze_the_key_master, Apr 6, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures