i finally thought of a reason they told you what select does in the begining of the game, its probably so you can look at the cave pics on destiny island because i never really used select once after that, i gotta check this out because i walked right past it only looking at the biggest picture closest to the door
can't remember, i'll have to play the game again, but for now it would be the part when i first played the game ever, in destiny islands the score between me and riku ended up to be 3 to 27
i would have to say going to school, and... wait let me think a bit............... some how making my little sister cry all the time would be the other thing
area 51 is a good game, i still only played it about 30 minutes tho because i borrowed it from my step bro. but when i do play it i might be able to help you on the part your at