I got the game about a year ago up my cousins who lives in manchester because she was trying to drang me out of a game shop, after spending 5hours in primark looking at clothes so i was about to snap(i really hate clothes shopping with her). Just so i could annoy her for a bit i started picking up random game cases & reading the blurb, i start with ds games & worked my way round, but as i got to the ps2 games she started pulling my arm so i stood my ground until she let go. I looked through the game i normally get interest by & picked up the case by accident. It got my attention, I looked at the line to pay, it was long & i had enough money. So i brought it, played when i got home (a week later). I brought kh2 straight after. I went back to school & told one of my best friends from school, got her hooked to & now i am just a addict to the kh series, i have completed 2 out of three so far. Oh & 4 is out in a few weeks so :woohoo:.
I would be so happy if i could save them all, but one. Thats a hard choice but i would go for Demyx because he really did seem like he had no choice on being killed by Sora & the rest sent him to his death. Sora is mean he kill most of them.
Twilight town, I think. I am not that keen on either, i hate both in a way but, traverse town sent me dizzy & living there would become hard. Twilight is to bright but I would spend most of my time in the shadows. So Twilight wins but only just.