Recent Content by BLACK-beany

  1. BLACK-beany
    I just liked the video. T.S.O.? They make song like that sound awesome!
    Post by: BLACK-beany, Dec 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. BLACK-beany
    A global release would be something. It's such a "something" because I can't honestly say that I've heard of one happening for a video game. Don't get me wrong, a globe release would be a tremendous success for Square but that's why I'm not counting on it; it's too tremendous. To have ever retailer on earth to properly release the game to the public would be difficult. I mean Fable II had trouble getting onto the streets on the right day in some Australian k-marts. And then there's keeping track of all the sales of all the store.

    IDK, maybe square can pull it off.
    Post by: BLACK-beany, Dec 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. BLACK-beany
    I think I'm going to buy this one, even though I played and beat the first re:com from japan. I'd just like to hear what they were saying in the cutscenes with english voice-overs.
    Post by: BLACK-beany, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. BLACK-beany
    Great info. I didn't think that kh3 would be revealed at this tgs. Although, it has not happened yet so how can I say that? I was hoping to see more ff7 remake, though. Whatever!
    Post by: BLACK-beany, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. BLACK-beany
    I am not shocked at all if kh3 comes out for ps3. That's one of the main reasons i got a ps3 (that and Patchet & Clank), but if enix went so far as to give mircosoft FF13, how can we be sure kh3 will stay with sony. Although, maybe enix just likes sony too much for that to happen.

    Thoughts, people?
    Post by: BLACK-beany, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates