If they are, and I doubt that they are, I honestly wouldn't care.
Japanese people are so much cooler than us anyway. Have you seen their style? or their architecture? or their TRAINS?! i mean, their super-fast trains alone are enough to make me want to live there. and then there's anime. which is beyond rad.
plus they orginated the big-smile-peace-sign photo.... I'd demonstrate, but no one can see me... :sideways:
1. First of all, you lost any validity you may have had when you used "race". "Race" should not even be a word, and i could go for hours debating this but honestly, that's not the point.
2. It's "sex" or "gender", you friggin idiot.
3. Inferior? because they don't beat each other senseless to solve arguements? because they're not hairy and (usually) not vulgar? because 75% of them are probably more attractive than you? please, enlighten me why they're inferior.
4. All the guys who responded with agreement- if you honestly think that, you're a jerk and a moron. good luck gettin' some...
if you don't, and only said it to be cool- you're barely better.