Recent Content by Beast~Prey

  1. Beast~Prey
    I dont think thats possible since that model is in an entirely different game.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Beast~Prey
    Can I get Riku V3 code? That seems to be the most stable for me,I updated mine to V5 but dont remember what numbers dont belong,it was a while ago.Much appreciated.US KH2 btw.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Beast~Prey

    Normal Sora Dual Wields - Valor Style
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    01CB9736 00000002
    21CB973C 09020000

    Jokered to R2.To prewarn you it can be glichy,as in making him use his default set but still whold two keyblades.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Beast~Prey
    Can you have multiple jokered codes active? If so must they be on different buttons?
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Beast~Prey
    Do party mods work fine through out the entire game,or should i joker that? To be more specific with my new game i may throw Riku and possibly Mickey(if I can).Also is there a code to have Sora solo? If not I'll just let Donald and Goofy de and leave them dead(wait can I even do that?)

    .BTW one last,the DW Sora code.Ima look for it and will edit this post or psot again when I find it but if yo uguys know the exact page,or have it saved,it'd be nice to have.He does have Valor's moveset right? thats my fav Sora moveset of the entire lot.

    Forgot to add i'd like that SW Sora code either Raw or Codebreaker for mat.I hate ARMAX with a passion.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Beast~Prey

    Does it not work with the Riku code? I tried and it just gave me a black screen when the game was starting up.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Beast~Prey
    Thanks you saved a little time.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Beast~Prey
    Oh damn I didn't even think about that.Thanks
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Beast~Prey
    Oh yea I figured that he couldn't be in them,I thought maybe there was a way for you to skip the scene(if pressing start in a hurry doesn't work) and you could just advance.If not then oh well.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Beast~Prey
    For those who are working on the Riku code.I was just curios as to if yo uguys plan to make it so he can be used throughout the real game(as if it were a first playthrough).I would use two different save files for him and Sora to use(just reload the cheat when I want him),that way we can fight all the regular bosses and what not.

    I tried the V3 code with a fairly early game and it just gives me a black screen when your about to see the scene(did this in early hollow bastion and mulans world).It would be nice to have a fully working one,if not then whateve,Im just glad Riku's playable.Im just curios as to if you guys plan to go beyond making Riku playable(w/command menu).
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Beast~Prey
    On a side note,he hardly ever T-stances during hte cups for me(1 time it happened),I guess just use it when your in range and your good(ground combo I mean).If he does T stance,just quit that Cup round and you can go back in and continue without having to reactivate the cheat.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Beast~Prey

    You can always just press start and skip them.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Beast~Prey
    I was using codes from that other thread on the NTSC KH2 codes

    Mastercode(tried both)


    9AD826F3 1802B626

    Character Slot 2 (Donald)(Tried switching with Riku and Mickey)
    11CFA3FE 0000????

    Character Slot 3 (Goofy)(Same as donald)
    11CFA400 0000????

    0819 - Riku
    0764 - Mickey (without Coat) (Partner!)

    And I got this from an ARMAX thread from another site((
    Riku replaces Donald (works in worlds where Donald doesnt change his appearance)

    Thats all I remember trying out.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Beast~Prey
    Hello,I can't get seem to get the codes I want to work properly.So far all I wanted to do was add a couple people to my party besides Donald and goofy but no luck.Everytime I load the game up it freezes,or stops at a loading screen,or something depending on the cheat,and who i'm overridng(donald or goofy).Anyone know why this might be happening? I've tried both my ARMAX and Codebreaker 9,but no luck with either,same problems at different times.Help would be appreciated.
    Post by: Beast~Prey, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault