It's not meant to be an advertisement, it's more about myself and what I'm doing and starting a discussion topic. The anime/manga is mentioned in my text towards the end and feedback would be great to have as to whether this could be used as a medium for me to express my work. I believe forums such as this would help guide me on such an important issue.
I'm sure old enough to host the project, too.
I'm working on a project to raise awareness on the problems associated with bullying, especially bullying at school. As a victim of long-term bullying and its effects (dire lack of confidence including fear of travelling away from home) I began my campaign in early1999 in which I put forward the idea of establishing a specified period, a year, in which all sections of society could make a concerted effort on focussing on the problem by discussion, drama, artwork and through other means available to them, to share ideas and experiences and to come up with possible ways forward to promoting peace and harmony within schools - all through using various media sources including, of course, the internet.
I've also been working on the idea of combining this awareness-drive with a music event I'm arranging for next year, a staged event of dance routines and singing with performances by dance-school students. One would complement the other and it would be a fun way of putting my message across. It would reflect my own nature in that it should always be light-hearted and uplifting. I have my own website and attached forum dedicated to my project, the site is being redeveloped and so is offline for the most part but it should return soon.
Recently I've had the idea of relating through the medium of manga/anime, the story of my own experiences as a victim of bullying and its effects. I believe this would be a very powerful way of expressing my personal situation so that others would be able to learn about the damage bullying can do to its victims, especially if the bullying continues unchecked over a long period.
Hi everyone, I'm Barry and I'd like to learn more about KH and manga/anime in general and I'm interested in writing about my experiences using this as a medium.