Recent Content by Bakuyuru

  1. Bakuyuru
    Natural Woman - Me First and the Gimme Gimme's
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Bakuyuru
    I love two things, which are related to one another: 1) RPG's. 2) PS2, the one stop shop for all of your RPG needs.

    Also, as I have a rabid love for Strategy RPG's, I love my PSP.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. Bakuyuru
    Pit will eat your pets if you don't choose him!
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Bakuyuru
    This one right here was me two years ago. I was bored.

    This one is of me and my g/f as Louis Tully and Janine Melnitz from "Ghostbusters" this past Halloween

    This delicious photo is of me recently. Not much to it.

    Le piece de triumph: my Megaman tattoo. Got it last March, and getting a new one in about two weeks. Expect pic's.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Bakuyuru

    Much like this pic, I have one somewhere of me licking the Legend of Zelda Complete animated series. I lick things, so what?
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Bakuyuru
    From my experience, the majority of the population do this almost as a validation of their faith. It's akin to how some people would bash homosexuals so that they feel more uncomfortable with their heterosexuality. In some people's minds, rather most people's minds, to respect these other religions is to give up the power of their own, therein casting doubt upon salvation (which I see as the main point of religion. To quote Hamlet, "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause"). That's just the way that I see it though.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. Bakuyuru
    So, this has been a phenomenally boring weekend, which has left me lots of time to make AMV's, which I just discovered how to make. I would love any feedback you all can give.

    The first video I made was of KH I & II. There are spoilers, so beware. It doesn't really have a story though, so I look at it as kind of a trailer, of sorts. The Song is by Sixx A.M. "Life is Beautiful". P.S. I do realize I've already posted it, but it wasn't entirely in the correct area, and I figured I might as well post it here with my second AMV.

    Youtube Link: (I'm having problems joining the KH-Vids portal, something about an invalid email)

    The second video was of Final Fantasy XII. Once more spoilers, though none are really explicit. I tried to focus on Ashe and Basch primarily, with slight looks at other characters. It loosely (and I mean loosely) follows the story of Final Fantasy XII, showing why Ashe and Basch are stuck in the conflict. Also, my Movie Maker messed up and wouldn't let me use more than half of my FFXII video's (would just terminate the program), so yea, I was limited in my creation of this. I'm not super pleased with it, but I do feel that it deserves to be viewed.

    Youtube Link:
    Thread by: Bakuyuru, Feb 10, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Bakuyuru
    The prospect of playing as either Pit or the Pokemon Trainer have me drooling.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  9. Bakuyuru
    It wasn't so much that the world is false, from what I remember, but more so that our perception of the world is false, an illusion embedded in our mind by a demon.

    White_Rook: Am I right in remembering Descartes saying that God couldn't be the deceiver due to something of a notion in his mind of a benevolent God? If memory serves, he then ended by stating that it must be the work of some demon.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  10. Bakuyuru
    My first AMV ever, as I just recently found out that one can make a video via Windows Movie Maker. I would love any comments you guys might be able to give.

    *** There are Spoilers for all three games already released. Watch at your own discretion***
    Thread by: Bakuyuru, Feb 10, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. Bakuyuru
    Yea, it was about an hour later that I realized I was off. *shrug* I'm an English major, not Philosophy. Though I will say that I remember him talking about everything around us being an illusion of some demon, but not God, or something to that effect. Been 2+ years since I've read anything by him though.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Bakuyuru
    Yea, Dustin doesn't translate well.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Bakuyuru
    Offensive is the only way I can play. Yea, I use my fair share of guard, but the best defense is a good offense for me.
    Post by: Bakuyuru, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts