Recent Content by AztheroththeGreatShadow

  1. AztheroththeGreatShadow
  2. AztheroththeGreatShadow
    Is my character accepted?
    Post by: AztheroththeGreatShadow, Jun 25, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. AztheroththeGreatShadow
  4. AztheroththeGreatShadow
    Username: AztheroththeGreatShadow (A.T.G.S for short)

    Name: Rain Stormcoud (likes to be called Ranki)

    Age: 15
    View attachment 32442
    Appearance: A 5'5 dark brunette haired boy with green eyes he wears a black and white hoodie and a skinny body. He wears blue jeans and a Kingdom Hearts Trademark Crown shirt that is red. He most of the time wears the hoodie up, only during fights he pulls it back.

    Personality: I am quiet and I have no friend, no family, and no reason to live right? Then, a girl showed what the warm felling of light gave you. I want to become stronger so that man that took her heart will have to give it back, but until then I have to cope with what he did to me, he took my memories and my light. Not only that he stabbed his keyblade into my heart creating something dark that I know if I lose control I might end up hurting someone I care about. Rain is very softspoken and quiet, but he can be very harsh and sharp-tounged for obvious reasons connected to his past. He has two goals to take care of the Hooded Man and return his friend's heart.

    Homeworld: Storybrook Height's Beach Port

    What's most important to you? Living life to the fullest potential,
    What do you want outta life? A sense of completion on the deathbed
    What are you afraid of? Losing control of the darkness.

    Keyblade: Kingdom Key

    Path Chosen: Warrior
    Path Sacrificed: Mystic
    Post by: AztheroththeGreatShadow, Jun 16, 2012 in forum: OOC Lounge