ohh, i see. i'll try it out sometime, wats up?
try onemanga.com .
yah, so wat do u think about shunsui's shikai?
I'm a guy, i dont love him. i just think he's cooler than most other espada.
what exactly do u do in the game?
ehh, hello there. im a shunsui person.
ohh, thats wayy far back. lol
okay, been a while, sup?
FM+ isn't coming to America. it's for japan only.
It was really sad how he died. They'll hold auditions for mickey's voice though.
WW is far from dead. He's gonna release soon. WW is the only vasto-lorde in the entire series.
just wondering. how far are you in naruto?
yeah, but you don't get a response that fast.