The first time mickey jumped in to assist was during the battle with xaldin that i totally failed at the first time i fought. but yeah looking at the list of moments none of them really make since especially the xemnas one since xemnas locks you with him. but overall it makes no sense because mickey SHOULD be on other worlds at those moments (unless hes creepily hiding in the bush ready to steal your thunder) he should at least pop up for demyx (since that fight was annoying and mickeys only like what 10 feet away)
haha yeah KH1 was hands down a lot harder to beat any enemy considering that the fighting style in that game was very slow so even the easiest enemy was irritating to fight while in KH2 your combos flowed so smoothly not to mention you could hit a lot more often.
I never even fought him in KH1 (i played it when i was young so i skipped a lot of things) but KH2 was pretty tough i beat him at lvl 55 with Oblivion only because after fighting him 10000000 times i learned strategies and timing for blocks and counters and such but that fight was horrifying especially the end Dx i was postive that it was the end for me
It's honetly a really tough choice Dx i mean yes my profile is Axel :P. But so many characters were likeable Axel had such a personality (whoa cares if nobodies dont have hearts he did) but all members had their own charm to them (even Larxene and i disliked her) so yeah ill vote Axel but all in all i love all 13 members for their own reasons :P