I hate sora. He is a jerk if not to them someone else. Poor nobodies, why kill them? and axel. Axel said, tell kairi that im sorry for what i did to her. or something like that, and he just up and FORGETS. (poor axel, no wonder he says got it memorized) and then (he's even mean to roxas and namine!) sora 's all, as long as we're together so are they, Ill never leave your side! then lets stay in the darkness! (far away form kairi!) COME ON!!!!! THAT PISSES ME OFF!
many people are going to dislike me for this:
1. make sora die
2. make ansem do the macarade
3. make riku have a disco showdown
4. kairi would say nothing but tater tots and potatoes
5. mickey would be an experimented lab rat that hates cheese
7. I would get to shoot roxas
8. my favorite all FF characters would look they themselves adn be locked in one room for a month!!!!!
I miss Axel and Demyx.
I know who they were before nobodies and everything.
(I need help finding out the others)
Im actually replaying the game and recording all the moments I miss on VHS. Axel, Demyx, 1000 heartless, fighting before 1000 heartless, Soras departure and awakinging, ya know. stuff.
um, I don't think so. No offense, but seymore looks nothing like seymore from FFX. and a normal basis they look ALOT alike. I didn't relize the reno axel or the demyx gippal match till I used wikipedia voice records. (did you know they are the same? and axel is also iruka sensi in naruto english versions?) But thanks. Ill look into it.
edit: looked into Xigbar. You sure it was FFVIII? I couldn't even find a Lawrence in a Final Fantasy Search as a whole. Did you spell it right?
Axel to Reno (love)
this is a big picture. and I am aware its fanart. vrs.
close match yes? both crazy DJs. (my opion. crud I can't spell)
Vexen was Even-> like roxas and xemnas if you remove teh X it spells his other name. (roas-> soram, emnas-> ansem)
The unconfirmed matches (if said more tan twice or I prove it its fact)
.... none.
Crud, someone help me out here. I'm slowly figuring out who all the nobodies were before nobodies. Roxas and Xenmas (mansex :D ) don't count. I've managed to find out Axel (love) and Demyx, which are Reno (love) (FFVII) and Gippal (FFX-2). But those are my only perfect matches. Picture confimation of these two are coming soon.