Saix woke up and noticed that he had over slept again. Great that means he is really going to have to suck up to the teacher this time.
He got up and got dressed and hopped on his bike and peddle all the way to school.
When he finally got to school he noticed that Larxene, Demyx, Luxord, and Roxas was already there. And he noticed that Larxene had bought her suit case to school again.
He hoped if he made a stright face she wouldn't say anything to him.
He made his way up the steps to where the other guys were.
I seem to also get lucky when I go against him really. You usually gets me in a corner and that is not were you want to be. And usually I am around level 50 when I go against him. :P Maybe I just suck at playing this game. But I never have died though when I went against him which is pretty good at least I think so.
To me Axel would wins hands down. He is just a little more cunning then Demyx. Plus Axel can do that teleport type of thing and come up behind you and pretty much do damage really quick. So my choice has to be Axel.