I'm going back to ZD, I can't be away from it this long!! It's so hard!! :lol:
Alright, I will! ;) And it's Plue, not Ploo. :D
.... I love noodles... :silence:
Back, there's nothing god to eat! I mean, there's pancakes, but I'm not in the mood for pancakes...
I'm hungry, I'm gonna go get some breakfast, :lol:
ya. I like the ninja cat. :ninjacat: and the sora one :ff10sora: and the lightsaber one Star Wars Smiley 023
I'm gonna do a bunch of random smileys, now:...
Nope, it doesn't work. :(:ff10sora::roar: It's ff10sora.:guiltygearXpc37::registro5B15D:
:ffsora: :)
Yeh, me too.
:sora: :)
Yah. What're you looking forward to more, SS or KH??
Uhm.. thanks, Jos... I mean Nerdy Ninja.
I just want it early 2012. Actually, Skywrd Sword is my main priority right now. Then Kid Icarus, then Kingdom Hearts. Well, whichever one comes...