Well, there is rather a strange rumor saying that he broke free from the darkness too...so I'm not sure what that would really make him, aside from being anything BUT Cloud's darkness.
Thinking maybe you just need to dodge roll enough (think i remember that saving my butt a lot), but as long as you keep count of when he does the attacks, because most of the time in KH, bosses give you hints when something big is going to happen, and like in every other boss fights...make sure you do keep an even amount of cards around. Meaning, try to keep as much MP free as possible when you're arranging your deck, for the cards rather than boss cards to the point where you're free to put as much ice cards [fire cards are a big no, no, on this one] and key cards, as well as heal, etc. (( ^-^' well, just to say for this boss battle, that's the advice my friends gave me when i started playing before))
Lmao, well...i think this was before Kingdom Hearts II came out, when me and my friend were just too excited, already planning on making the trip to the nearest game store or electronics store nearby, chatting about it on YIM, when out of random we started playing the word game, while chatting about other things.
Funny thing is, i put Sora randomly and it actually showed up, as we looked blankly at the screen.
The words, "Kairi and Riku" were connected as well in the game to Sora, and we just thought that was freaky.
[eh, i would have to edit the picture to show what I'm talking about, but I'm not exactly in my own computer either..]
Oh, and when someone actually asked where i got my jacket. [i finally made an "Unofficial Organization XIII jacket" XD
=| wow. never thought of that one...and my curiosity has peaked now..what do you mean by "is he more than that"?
And either way, if he does feel nothing but darkness in his heart, i can tell that his power's nothing but weak, considering that he is but one thing, that makes me feel sorry for him.
(now by typing "you, you would really mean yourself? right? XP )
Lol, gee, sounds like you pissed her off or something?
Rushing in a relationship is another thing that would be really bad, and unhealthy, but getting to know more about that person is really something you should look out for, and see if she's the right one for you. But otherwise, lol, man just go for it, if that's what your heart's telling you to do. ^-^
Actually fun, i mean I've gotten to play the KH's COM version for PS2 (Japanese) a few days ago, and pretty much just found it amusing. Lol, i found it to be funny how they'd somewhat seem to pronounce things differently, after watching tons of subbed anime. [Excluding just about almost every non-human like disney characters such as, Donald and Goofy, of course] Not to mention i tend to learn a few things while they'd speak Japanese, lol. Eh, or at least get reminded of some words....
[currently I'm just trying to practice Japanese on my own, learning a few things at least here and there]
I mean, if you think about it physically...aside from the game's theme with hearts and time (?) He really is! I mean, come on, when Sora first fought against him, he was like half his size, O_O ,a katana that's a bit too much and long (would help a lot on things like poking someone random that's on the other side of this planet) and to top it all off powers that really make him just seem impossible to beat. [i guess that's why I'm still disappointed today, that the boss fight Cloud was too easy] and was waaay to young. If anything, we wouldn't have seen Sora at all in KH2.
Lol, now in a matter of loving VG games at all, I'd love this guy since he'd make games [even FF VII ] more tempting to play. Lol, a bit silly really, but to me he just really gives determination to beat him, i could really take my anger out on him (even if I'd lose), since he'd really remind me of someone, and the thought of beating him in the game really does make it all the more exciting and probably worth it as you level up. Not to mention has the best secret that could help you just kick some rear end at any world. -^-^-
(As a critic) Most of the time I'd side with the hero, while finding interest in knowing about the villain's at the same time.
Sephiroth, however is one exception.
Always is it that he seems to full of himself, and would never really take his opponents seriously, and indeed used a pathetic tactic of threatening everything that Cloud cherishes, as an attempt make him weak and vulnerable. (made him just predictable that he knew he didn't stand a chance against Cloud...at least from what I'm thinking after watching Final Fantasy VII, lol! )
-.-' i was wondering for a while about that scene....
*sigh* I'm so disappointed that they did take it out after Riku's credits. [maybe they were afraid of spoilers?] The gang at Twilight Town was awesome, and Roxas too... T_T
Eh, well. I've pretty much wish have had a dream of myself dying, except it didn't make sense since I'm pretty sure i don't even get run over or anything. I just plainly trip from running, saying something (forgot), and ending up crying to only die.
Oooh, and the time when i thought of how medicine should definitely have even more warnings. The kind that should say something about how it'll definetly have some side affects to your brain, and put images to mind. lol.
There i was just in my old middle school, during homeroom, just reading, when a bee comes out of nowhere. Then, everyone just pretty much panics and runs around acting chaotic, lol, while i just go ahead and squish the bee finally from being annoyed, when it kept circling around my head as in taunt. XD Eh, that was a bad move apparently cause a huge black vortex circle appeared in the middle of the class room and just sucked me in it, and possibly everything else into darkness.
And not to mention that the most recent event that's scared the hell, out of me was how i heard a gunshot yesterday, and found out that a fellow classmate did indeed die today.