Recent Content by auriel

  1. auriel
    Aren't feelings perceptions?
    So if he thinks they're real they basically become real.

    Anyway, I'd imagine most people like to think he does. The opening was one of the most emotional parts of Kingdom Hearts II and it's sort of hard to empthaize with him if you think the whole thing has no effect on him.

    Plus that anger he had against DiZ at the end of the prologue seemed pretty real. :P
    Post by: auriel, Apr 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. auriel
    I don't know if there should be more FF characters, but I was surprised at what how little FF I saw when I played it after being told it would be an FF/Disney mash-up. It seemed to be more Disney with bits of FF thrown in there. The main characters are FF-ish looking (perhaps because of the Nomura and his love of zippers and buckles they have in common), but I still saw them as original anime creations.

    I know the menu style is vaguely reminiscent of FF, and the abilities and leveling up and equipping items and synthesis (with moogles!) is a lot like it as well, but since KH is mostly an action game I wouldn't say that aspect was FF per se...just FF influenced.
    Post by: auriel, Apr 18, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. auriel
    Hey! I'm auriel, and was a diehard Kingdom Hearts Fan after the original was released, and through to the second installment (I don't think I finished Chain of Memories). I especially liked the characters of Riku and Roxas. I've sort of fallen behind a bit and haven't followed the series since, but after hearing Great Reviews for "Birth by Sleep" I'd like to get into the series again (although I don't have a PSP:(). Anyway, just thought I'd say hello!:)
    Thread by: auriel, Feb 17, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures