Recent Content by ATouchOfDestiny

  1. ATouchOfDestiny
    yes, deffinitley the riku hb battles. the second one kicked my butt for months until i finally just sat down and beat him. it was a great fight though, not to mention that it was riku ;]
    Post by: ATouchOfDestiny, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. ATouchOfDestiny
    ansem...(because dangit im old fashioned and i just happen to like calling him that, kthanx) was much better than xemnas was. i dunno,i just think they created a great villain for the first one and left the second lead villain to monologue too much. his original voice rocked too, i think it's almost as tragic as the MIA mandy moore/aerith problem ;_;
    Post by: ATouchOfDestiny, Jun 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. ATouchOfDestiny


    thanks guys for the nice welcome. :]
    Post by: ATouchOfDestiny, Jun 9, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. ATouchOfDestiny
    destiny island
    kh2 atlantica
    hollow bastion
    traverse town
    Post by: ATouchOfDestiny, Jun 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. ATouchOfDestiny
    riku was always just a curious and adventerous person. he's just like all those people that dream about "something else out there!" and going on big adventures. he's a child at heart and since kairi came from "somewhere" that most certainly wasn't the islands, it fueled his childish curiosity.

    as he got older, he began to think that if kairi came from "somewhere else" then there has to be other worlds out there. so yes, kairi did play a large role in fueling his "gotta see other worlds!" thing, but he had always wanted to and had the theory that "maybe just maybe!" there was something else out there.

    but i dont think kairi should be blamed for what happened. blame xehanort if you've gotta blame somebody. or better yet, blame ansem for putting the idea of the darkness into xehanort's head.
    Post by: ATouchOfDestiny, Jun 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. ATouchOfDestiny


    Hello :]

    ive been on for a while, lurking in the cutscene archive and just now discovered that i had never signed up. so i guess its finally about time that i sat down and did it.

    im still sorta new at all this "amv" stuff, but ive been trying with my lame windows movie maker. ;]
    but sometimes i think i should just stick to the fanfiction world. x]

    hope to see everyone around!
    Thread by: ATouchOfDestiny, Jun 9, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures