Recent Content by asukarin

  1. asukarin
    hi im new here sorry just want to give some information (im using real PS2 with OPL V.1.9 in USB)
    btw sorry bad english :<
    BUG Report :

    Blackscreen Stuck Loading in cutscene when riku wake up after cutscene winning fighting leon in Traverse Town
    (After that cutscene game working :> tested by swapping betwen Patched and Original ISO)

    some weird character in save game when swapped the iso? probably because its was written in japanese but i do careless about that

    more Bug/Glitch report (Using Open PS2 Loader with USB Thumb as test with JPN Version as switchable source)
    1. Oogie's Manor first cutscene when three little thing get escorted by bathroom(BLACKSCREEN)
    2. when Oogie getting bigger(Cutscene)after being defeated in Torture's Chamber (BLACKSCREEN)

    more glitchy thing:
    Gummi ship menu (mostly random thing happens)
    finished Atlantica and Neverland
    going to Hollow Bastion
    Found bug:
    Grand Hall Cutscene
    when Sora find out Kairi and move his hand toward game Stuck (loading)
    Post by: asukarin, Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Code Vault