Im totally lost now. At the final scene where Aqua and "Terra" face off. Terra lost and did what with his heart? I remember him pointing the keyblade at himself then he drops his own keyblade(i presume losing his keyblade privilages) and falls into the darkness. What do you think guys?
Hey guys! :D Can anyone tell me if Normal Command Menu Wisdom Form work with Riku's Keyblade code?? TNX
Username:arvee2 Character: Sora and Roxas Color (Optional): Lightblue Text: I finally met you... Size (Optional): signature size Avatar (Yes/No):No
i cant change the extention because it becomes bigger... @_@
OK i have this sig.. but i cant upload it... i cant make the image 1kb/ 1000 bytes what should i do??
OK im kind of jealous of the other members... How do you change the one ing the username... EXAMPLE: arvee2 is online moogle assisstant <<<<<<<<<<<( i mean this one) is it the number of posts?? SORRY IF IM A BOTHER... @_@
Yep i agree the KH team has ALOT of things going on also... FFXII Versus, KH BBS, KH 358/2 Days, and KH Coded
OK im getting the idea that square enix will not say that there will be another KH for another 3-4 years.... like KH2 LOL... What do you guys think??? :D
hey anti... uhm do you have the limit form render i asked for before?? sorry if im disturbing you.. :D
more sprites? Hey anti.. do you have KH2FM+ Limit form? TNX :D
Awesome Renders!!!