Recent Content by Arica_Leonhart

  1. Arica_Leonhart
    My own theory about the KHIII trailers

    I have a theory... but I like to know that people are going to take the time to look at it BEFORE I post it...
    Post by: Arica_Leonhart, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Arica_Leonhart
    My opinion...

    Though I LOVE Rikus voice.. I think it could be a TON better. While David Gallagher got way better in KHII the fake laugh at Soras funny face bothered me. Then there are times when I found myself caught up in the dialog because of vocal tonations alone. Course then again, Riku is the only character I've ever known Gallagher to have a part for that wasn't a whiny word I cant mention.

    Squall (Leon) in KH disappointed me greatly, as did Sephiroth, because of their Final Fantasy selves, you expect a lot. Squall is my FAVORITE Final Fantasy character! Still in KHII Squalls vocal dynamics was still lacking. Where as KHII Sephiroth wasn’t at all that bad, I think the guy did a GREAT job... in Advent Children... for that much the AC crew didn’t do that bad. I just hate their story in KH.

    Aerith bothers me, A LOT. I liked Mandy Moore better simply because she wasn't so flat. (I'm a musician, I like articulation.) The new chick sounds like she's talking through her nose, which is VERY annoying.

    I think Roxas was very lucky got a great voice actor the first time around, Jessie put a lot of emotion and tonation in his voice. Even if you're not watching the screen you still know what's going on. I was in high school when Dream Street was big, around the time of BSB n'suck and Hanson, I have new respect for Jessie.

    Riku/Ansem did too. Like when he says "She's a wonder" when speaking about Namine' I began to doubt. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better then KH Ansem, I loathe Billy Zane... didn't like him in Charmed either... and really his voice wasn't very convincing when blended with Gallagher’s for KH.

    Hayden did a better job too, not so much "I'm a bratty princess" this time... but it doesn't make me like Kairi any better.

    Quinton Flynn did an incredible job! A lot better then Reno, Reno in Advent Children had animation going for him. But then again he didn't do a whole lot in the story.

    Susan Blakeslee was wonderful, I'm a fan of Maleficent. She's my fav Disney villain. (When I have to like Disney...) I like the way she voices her.

    What I want to know is why, if they have the star power of James Woods and Christopher Lee of all people, why couldn't they get Jerami Irons to come back for Scar? Matthew Broderick? Come on... for that much why couldn't the Port Royal people have voiced their characters? NONE of the POTC crew came in for their voices...

    Xigbar was interesting, as was Demyx. But out of the two I think I like Xigbar best... Demyx was like watching John Travolta in Grease.. disturbing.

    Namine sounds a LOT like her Japanese voice actor, which I thought was interesting. Especially since she's the ONLY one who does.

    I only wish I could find a way to get Haley singing on CD, I watch a little girl who LOVES Sora. (She asks to watch him every single day.) Interestingly enough her name is Ariel, and I thought it would be cute to give her that on CD for her birthday... if I could find it.

    Being as a whole that I work with vocally talented people and voice actors, I'm picky but there's my two cents on what came to mind.

    But that's juts my opinion... :p
    Post by: Arica_Leonhart, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Arica_Leonhart
    GIF animator

    As opposed to asking you over and over to do work for me...

    I run a media arts company for independent bands and I'm in dire need of a GOOD if not fantastic GIF animator.

    Could I ask for some inexpensive suggestions? (My shopping list for the fall is already pretty pricey!)

    Someone said I could do it in Adobe photoshop and indesign but mine doesn't want to cooperate with me. :rolleyes:
    Post by: Arica_Leonhart, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Arica_Leonhart
    Online isn't THAT addictive.

    See, this is why I LOVE Square Enix. They remind you to log off and go live. Right before you get into FFXI (the Online final fantasy) the have you agree not to sit there and be a lazy bum.

    I'm on Odin (A FFXI "world" server) and the people there are awesome. Some fighting and leveling parties will take "food breaks" after so long so that the members of the party can go eat and visit the facilities, what have you.

    It just goes to show that depending on your level of respect for yourself you'll tend to yourself more regularly then say people like someone I know who does EVERYTHING on the net and barely takes relaity breaks.

    I'm not saying by any means that FF people are perfect. (Though I will go as far as to say differently intelligent) but I know a whole lot of people that say it takes a special breed to play WOW all the time.
    Post by: Arica_Leonhart, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone