Recent Content by Ares Tenno

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  7. Ares Tenno
    Oh no(-es)! I seem to have stumbled into uncharted (by me, at least) territory!

    Meh, what's the worst that could happen?

    Anyhow, I've never really done any of these RP things, but I've heard a great deal about them being pretty fun and interactive, so I figured: Hey, why not? If I never know, I never learn, right?

    Here goes...



    The small village of Keilloe stood in the distance, right on the path of encroaching demons, a cloud of blackness rushing towards the unknowing inhabitants of the town.

    One boy, Laora Dai, who had turned six not three minutes ago, watched in fear as his father grabbed his sword and rushed outside to take on the near-immeasurable force. His mother, too, picked up her staff and went out to fight. Their oldest son was left to protect their newborn child, Kento, at all costs.

    For Laora's sixth birthday, his father had given him his own sword -- a rather large one, at the moment far too heavy for Laora to heft on his own, in the general shape of a golden eagle head -- in the event that should he ever come across a demon, he may call upon the spirit within the blade and annihilate them, as the sword alone would only cause small scratches unless powered by the spirit within it. But the young Laora hadn't even the time to learn the call for his sword's spirit, nor the training to control it, before the demons had attacked.

    And now, he watched as his father and mother both met their ends, and the city was overrun by the black mist that was the demon rampage.

    As Laora desperately tried to free his baby brother from his cradle and carry his sword at the same time, a demon came into the small house and lunged for the two.

    His fear taking over him, Laora lifted his sword and swung the blade in a full half-arc across the demon's neck, severing its head.

    Temporarily taken aback by his sudden strength Laora stared at the fallen creature on the floor. Then, regaining his senses, he rushed outside, torn by anger and revenge, and began to fight back the horde, some willing help from the villagers backing him with whatever they could find as weaponry.

    As the dust fell and the demons were staved off, Laora approached his father's body and took his sword -- a similarly large blade in the general shape of a wolf's head -- and vowed that he would kill the ones responsible for this attack.

    He would save this sword, and give it to his brother on his sixth birthday...


    Some Notes

    1. Before you ask, yes, I did ask permission of the characters' -- Kento and Laora Dai -- creator, Zell-The-Renegade, before I made this. I would have made my own characters, but I'm terrible at that, and this is my first RP, so a supporting figure to lean on is much appreciated until I can walk on my own two feet here.

    2. My friend suggested I make this thread into an RP instead of a Spam Zone Playground topic.


    The Character Types

    We'll start off with Great Swordsman.

    Great Swordsman: They get the advantage in strength and vitality, which is the ability to stay alive. But their weapons, gigantic swords, are so large, that their weight reduces the wielder's speed substantially. Even in a dead sprint, a Great Swordsman runs slower than a normal person. Their weapons are one of many weapons that are capable of holding a spirit that greatly enhances their combat capabilities, and they make good use of this, but a typical weapon spirit takes many years to master, and only the most adept of people can call upon it whenever they wish. Their swords also make good shields because of their size, and in some cases, a Great Swordsman's sword can act as an object of flight, if it holds a wind spirit.

    Swordsman: Not as slow in combat as the Great Swordsman, but not as strong either. A normal swordsman's weapon is incapable of holding a spirit because the energy from the spirit would destroy it, due to its thin blade, as compared to the thick-but-deadly blade of the Great Swordsman. A normal Swordsman is more able to silently sneak around enemies too strong for him to take on, whereas the Great Swordsman's weapon would brush upon every twig and branch he passed. A normal Swordsman is better at using Magic as well, though it isn't his forte, and he can only use first level Magic.

    Hunter, Bow-And-Arrow type: The weaker of the four types of hunter, the Bow-and-Arrow type hunter's weapon is likely to do nothing but severely annoy the enemy, unless it holds a spirit. Bow/Arrow type hunter's weapons, light or heavy, can hold a spirit within the arrows, adding a significant punch to their attacks. Hunters are in their best element when disguised by nature, and require expert precision in order to hit their target, so they are weakened in open combat by having to fire quickly at incoming enemy forces, and their ammunition depletes rather fast, too fast for convenience, in fact. Hunters can also have pets, but only pets they can train at their current level of capability.

    Hunter, Heavy Bow/Arrow type: A significantly stronger type of the Bow/Arrow class hunter, the Heavy Bow/Arrow hunter type can hold more powerful arrows, and as many as two quivers of arrows at a time. This, of course, slightly weighs them down a bit more than normal Bow/Arrow type hunters. Heavy Bow/Arrow hunters can also have pets, and theirs can go a full level higher than their own capability, but that makes it slightly more dangerous to them.

    Hunter, Light Bow-gun type: The light bow-gun hunters are more a type of sniper than an up-close combatant. Their arrow-shooting rifles have an effective range of close to 120 Meters, and their projectile ammunition is known for being one-shot-kill shots, unless they happen to be fighting a rather difficult demon. Unfortunately for the Light Bow-gunman, their weapons can't hold spirits.

    Hunter, Heavy Bow-Gun type: The older brother of the Light Bow-gunman. The Heavy Bow-gunman is more accustomed to up front combat, and they can fire up to twenty arrows per quiver, which is why their quiver is made like an ammo clip and attached underneath the gun's receiver. Heavy Bow-gunmen are showing more and more use in the fight against the demons because of their firepower and strength. Their guns can also hold spirits.

    Lance Combatant: The Lance Combatant came about when the demons showed their faces the first time, many generations ago, and they've survived through the years until the second appearance, when many of them were killed because of their terrible defense. A typical demon could tear a human shield to pieces in one shot, and while their lances survived, it wasn't enough to hold off the assault, since a lance's best use was in a stabbing motion at high speeds, and not a slashing motion, which better disables the demons, since they have no hearts to be stabbed. Lance Combatants' saving grace is that they are very adept at magic, and their lances can hold spirits.

    Gun Lance Combatant: A gun lance combatant is like its predecessor, but when the Lance combatants realized they were next to worthless on the battlefield, they joined forces with the Riflemen and created a powerful Gun Lance that could be used both as a normal lance and a giant gun that could shoot both normal bullets and stun shells, and act as a flamethrower as well. Gun lances, unlike the normal variation, can be broken down and compacted for easier travel, and they can hold up to two spirits at a time, unlike most other weapons.

    Rifleman: The Light variant of the Rifleman is a considerably weaker force than the Gun Lance Combatant and the Heavy Bow-gunman, but that isn't to say they're completely worthless. Their guns can not only hold spirits, but can shoot grenades as well, if need be, and sometimes they can have an added flamethrower attachment, like the Gun Lance.

    Heavy Rifleman: Like the heavy bow-gunman, but their guns actually fire bullets, and not heavy arrows. The typical ammunition for a Heavy Rifleman is stun shells and corrosive shots, and the guns can hold up to two spirits at a time, plus a grenade and flamethrower attachment. Like the bow-gunmen, the Heavy Riflemen are seeing more action on the battlefield.


    The Rules

    1. No flaming, trolling, advertising, or spamming.

    2. No character bashing (please)

    3. No godmodding

    4. No power playing

    5. To keep things less confusing, wait to see if somebody else is going to add to the story BEFORE you begin to type your addition

    6. Have fun


    The Template

    Name: Where your name goes
    Age: Where your age goes
    Gender: Where your gender goes
    Class: What type of combatant are you?
    Bio: Your backstory
    Appearance: What you look like (Pictures optional)


    Name: Laora
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Class: Great Swordsman
    Bio: After watching his father and mother die by the demon's hands, Laora made a vow to hunt down and kill the demon responsible for planning and executing the attack on Keilloe.
    Appearance: Unfortunately, the site I made this character on did not have his exact sword, so I had to improvise.



    Name: Kento
    Age: 12
    Gender: Male
    Class: Rookie Great Swordsman
    Bio: While he never witnessed the attack on Keilloe or his parents' deaths, Kento heard the story from Laora and, as his brother did many years ago, vowed revenge, but to his dismay, Laora said that he would be better off not getting himself into trouble. Unfortunately, Kento, being a trouble magnet, couldn't ever obey that command. Normally spends his time down at the lake "fighting" lockjaw fish.

    Appearance: Again, the site I made this character at doesn't have his desired weapon, so I had to improvise.


    By the way, I control both Kento and Laora.


    Be sure to PM me for permission before posting your templates here.
    Thread by: Ares Tenno, Nov 26, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ares Tenno
  9. Ares Tenno
    Seven months off the dot never hurt anybody.

    Welcome (back), I guess.
    Post by: Ares Tenno, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Ares Tenno

    Ninja babbles

    This is something I wrote on a day where I was particularly bored.

    How many brownie points do you think this will score me in my World History class?


    My babbling: about Ninjas

    People tell me it would be so cool if they had a ninja uniform and a katana and throwing stars and nunchaku, because then they could jump across buildings and get to be real ninjas.

    I don't believe they're seeing things properly.

    Back in the day of the ninja, not only was it an honor to die by the sword, but the combat it involved was also a form of art. How many soldiers nowadays do you see who move as swiftly and gracefully as the Japanese warriors of old? My guess is not very many.


    In the old days of Japan, some stories say that Ninjas were originally Ronin (master-less Samurai) looking for a job, or revenge on their master's killer. While it is true that many Samurai became Ninjas in their time, that's not the whole story. China, during the Tang Dynasty, was preparing to drop into fifty years of chaotic decline. This realization prompted many of Tang's Generals to cross the seas to Japan, and with them came Chinese monks, both of whom brought with them their own tactics and religious beliefs, medicines, weaponry, and rules of engagement. Many more of the Ninja ideas were originated in India, and they traveled through Tibet and into Japan.

    A disgraced Samurai, Daisuke Tokagure, met a Chinese warrior-monk, renounced his Bushido ways, and helped create the first Shinobi Ryu, or Ninja school, where Japanese warrior-monks, better known as Yamabushi, trained to become the silent and deadly tactical assassins that we seem to know and love so well.

    As Ninjutsu gained popularity with Japan's people, it slowly became a counter-civilization to Bushido-following Samurai, who valued loyalty and honor above all other things, including life and death. Going into battle, a samurai would select a single opponent, announce his challenge, list his family pedigree, and then attack. Samurai wore bright colors on their armor to announce their clan identity. This was a noble tactic, yes, but not always the best one, as one side had to die, and the other would shortly follow if he wasn't careful.

    That is where Ninjutsu comes in: the ninja code valued accomplishing a mission by whatever means necessary. Sneak attacks, poison, seduction and spying were all shameful to the samurai, but fair play by the rules of the ninja.


    Many Ninja leaders, or Jonin, were as Daisuke Tokagure: Disgraced Samurai who, instead of honorable death by Seppuku, fled to the safety of the Ninja clans.

    Most ordinary ninja were not from the nobility, though. They were villagers and farmers, who learned to fight by any means necessary for their own self-preservation. Women were also added to the mix as Ninja, just as they were Samurai. A female ninja, or Kunoichi, infiltrated enemy castles in the guise of dancers, concubines or servants. They were successful spies, and sometimes acted as assassins as well.

    The samurai lords could not always prevail in open warfare, but they were constrained by Bushido. So, they often hired ninja to do their dirty work. Secrets could be spied out, opponents assassinated, or misinformation planted... without sullying a samurai's honor. This system also transferred wealth to the lower classes, as ninja were paid handsomely for their work. Of course, a samurai's enemies could also hire ninja. As a result, the samurai needed, despised, and feared the ninja, in equal measure.

    The ninja "high man," or jonin, gave orders to the chunin, "middle man," who passed them on to the genin, ordinary ninja.


    Though the comic books depict ninjas as all-black wearing agents of the night with only their eyes visible to the light, that is far from true. In night operations, ninjas were more fond of Navy Blue, but they also dressed to blend in with their surroundings, like any good and well-minded agent of espionage.

    Ninja tools and weapons included: shinobigatana, medium-length swords; the bo and naginata, war staves and pikes; and martial arts like karate.

    Ninja also developed special equipment like the shuko, an iron hand-crampon used for climbing, and the tessen, a sharpened metal fan.

    They did not use throwing stars.


    Ninjutsu is practical; if a tactic is effective, then it is acceptable.

    The Eight Methods taught in many ryu were: Body skills, karate, spear fighting, staff fighting, blade-throwing, use of fire and water, fortification and strategy, and concealment.

    Many ninja weapons were modified from farm sickles, saws for wood cutting, pruning shears, etc. If discovered, these items would not give away a ninja's identity.

    Among the ninja were expert poisoners. Poison was added to food, or applied to a dart or blade.

    Some ninja disguised themselves as flute-playing mystics. The sturdy flute could be used as a club or blow-dart tube, but it would remain a flute to untrained eyes.


    The ninja came into their own during the tumultuous era between 1336 and 1600. In an atmosphere of constant war, ninja skills were essential for all sides.

    The Nanbukucho Wars (1336-1392)

    For more than 50 years in the 14th century, Japan had two separate imperial courts, which fought for control of the country.

    The Northern Court was controlled by the shoguns. The Southern Court belonged to Emperor Go-Daigo, who wanted to rule in his own right.

    Ninja played an important role on both sides in this struggle, infiltrating castles as spies, and even burning down the South's Hachiman-yama Fortress.

    The Northern Court eventually won, and the puppet-Emperor system was retained.

    The Onin War (1467-1477)

    About 70 years later, the Onin War broke out. Ninja featured heavily in this conflict, as well.

    The war began as a succession fight within the ruling Ashikaga clan, but soon devolved into a nation-wide civil war.

    Although the Onin War ended after 10 years, it ushered in a century of turmoil called the Sengoku Jidai, or "Warring States Period" (though it was actually samurai clans fighting, rather than states).

    Ninja served a number of purposes during the Sengoku Period (1467-1568). They acted as kancho (spies), koran (agitators), teisatsu (scouts), and kisho (surprise attackers). They were most effective in castle sieges, infiltrating and distracting the defenders inside while the main besieging army attacked from outside.

    Destruction of the Ninja Bases (1581)

    The ninja were an important tool during the Sengoku Period, but a destabilizing influence. When war-lord Oda Nobunaga emerged as the strongest daimyo and began to reunite Japan (1551-1582), he saw the ninja strongholds at Iga and Koga as a threat.

    Nobunaga's lightning-quick attack on Iga forced the ninja to fight open battles; they were defeated and scattered to nearby provinces or the mountains of Kii.

    While their power-base was destroyed, the ninja did not vanish entirely. Some went into the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who later became shogun in 1603.

    The much-reduced ninja continued to serve both sides in struggles. In one famous incident from 1600, a ninja sneaked through a group of Tokugawa's defenders at Hataya castle, and planted the flag of the besieging army high on the front gate!


    The Edo Period (1603-1868) brought stability and peace to Japan, bringing the ninja story to a close. Ninja skills and legends survived, though, and were embellished to enliven the movies, games and comic books of today. In fact, they've become so popular with the world, that people have began comparing both Pirates and Ninjas in levels of "Awesomeness", and that fight still rages on today. Many people would love to be Ninjas... but not the actual kind. Rather, the kind they read of in books.

    This has been my babbling about Ninjas. Hope you enjoyed.


    If you know some things about Ninjas I don't, do tell, the more facts, the better an argument I can make against people who think they know Ninjas (but only watched Naruto and played Ninja Gaiden as a reference).
    Thread by: Ares Tenno, Nov 25, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Ares Tenno

    Ares Tenno

    Sounds fun, I'll check it out sometime.

    Probably won't post much, though. My writings are usually FMEO (For My Eyes Only)
    Post by: Ares Tenno, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Ares Tenno
  13. Ares Tenno